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  1. ...

    Hockey Heaven!

    "Narrative" as in a story-line that transcends a single poster's opinion and exists in more than a few posts. So, just because you may think this-or-that about a subject and say so in a post, that doesn't make it a narrative. If you maintain this view on a particular subject across your posts over a certain amount of time it could become a personal narrative. If someone posits a view on a subject which is adopted by others and referenced routinely over a length of time, that becomes a narrative proper. A good example is the Mitts trade. There are two competing narratives: A) he wasn't the right guy for the team and would not have been offered a good contract so he had to go B) Mitts was a big loss and the return of Byram wasn't worth it. It doesn't matter what the individual thinks so long as these two threads of thought/story lines exist which makes them narratives. So, @That Aud Smell is looking for a thread-of-thought, held up by multiple people over time, that competes with the narrative that KA is unqualified for the job. He is not looking for your personal position or opinion, but rather the amalgamated opinion of many people promoted over time.
  2. Chrome-based browsers allow you to export your saved credentials (ie. user names and passwords). So, if you use one of those browsers you can find your password that way.
  3. ...

    RIP Claude Balls

    Too young. RIP Claude.
  4. Not a pretty game, but if this is the new low where they eek out points despite a lackluster period, this team is miles ahead of where they've been already. Ruff's imprint is all over this team, now, and they can only get better as the season goes on.
  5. They looked like they were skating in mud.
  6. The refs gave Calgary the tie.
  7. We were owned on that shift.
  8. Honestly, their guys were so beat and we were standing around with them on that PP.
  9. That Lafferty goal was brilliant.
  10. Cozen's mind is like a train that can never open up the throttle.
  11. Where's the beating for that hit? That guy needs to get beat up.
  12. The Rags don't know what to do.
  13. Was obvious when it happened.
  14. Don't get over confident, there, boys.
  15. Lindy is the Sabre-whisperer!
  16. He needs to pay for that. Cozens needs to be benched for that pass.
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