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  1. Please let it be both.
  2. It's more of a Schrödinger's cat thought experiment.
  3. By this reckoning, and I think you're spot on, Ottawa got fleeced. Their sports psychologist better be damn good if they're going to not regret this trade.
  4. Not saying the concern isn't valid, however we shipped out Eichel because of questions about his health. A lot of players regain their durability over time. Then there's Muel and Greenway.
  5. He is never going to be an open-ice wizard. That's what Cozens was supposed to be. We have at least three other players for that, maybe four with Norris. Benson will, however, *take* *the* *puck* *to* *the* *net*, which seems to confuse the other players who either pass too much to the perimeter or take a lot of dumb shots. Benson needs feeds.
  6. Nope. I'm with you. Opens up room for someone else. Cozens is a super-soft, too in-his-own-head player. Has the tools, not the brain or constitution. I don't know the player coming back, but, if any of the analytics and anecdotes posted in this thread mean anything, we are at least shaking up the team culture if the remaining change is a net-zero.
  7. This is a pretty good deal. Still has to replace Cozens, Power, and Muel.
  8. Agreed, but JJP is still under the Sabres' control. KA's attitude is going to require case-by-case flexibility in order to not dig the hole even deeper. In a circumstance like this, JJP has to perform if he expects to one day sign a good contract on a good team.
  9. Uhm...KA is really going to trade JJP? There is a small, very small, handful of players he could trade away and, by doing so, make the team even worse. JJP is one of those players.
  10. I thought he would get 3x$4m so this is pretty good. Manageable term.
  11. Oh, durn. Just turned it off, too. Well, yay, I guess. This team is not serious about winning if Power is still here after Friday.
  12. 9th ain't a bad place to pick.
  13. Stanley Cup here we come!
  14. Why hasn't Power been traded yet?
  15. What does Brent Thompson do if Tommy Dangles scores tonight?
  16. Careful, Mule, don't want to go back on IR.
  17. I like the constant-penalties strategy: It’s like misdirection.
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