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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I got to work at 8am and I'm still here at 11:11pm.
  2. Stop hanging out with Lalime.
  3. People like her in her big ol' suv would never even notice if you put your car in reverse.
  4. Cereal did say he is a recent college grad. Give him another 5 years - he'll be down to a dozen. But, of course, if I ever do go to an all you can eat type event I do eat more then I normally would.
  5. There's a note on the site that says the goalie minimum isn't in play this week. So what your record is today is what it will end up for this week since no more games this week.
  6. With the way my team has been performing; I wonder every day I'm picking out my team why I bother!
  7. I just typed up a rant about Lindy and goaltending decisions and my system just wiped it out. grumble grumble.
  8. Kids get too many xmas presents.
  9. This is what happens when you combine Canadians and tailgating.
  10. No complaints in 3.5 hours?! What; are all you people giving thanks??? ;) Man, am I full! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  11. That's very incredulous of you to think people would not use the word suitably.
  12. SWEET! The first negative rating ever given! :w00t:
  13. 3 thumbs up for that complaint? That rating system must have been taken from figure skating.
  14. People. I spent all day dealing with other people's problems. Plus I've barely had time to spend goofing off at this site.
  15. Actually there was just a report out about this - it is due to the pollution (of course) caused by all of the cars driving during the week. (yes, the weather patterns also have to be in the proper state that it will produce rain because of the pollution.)
  16. People locking threads. ;)
  17. It's Thursday already? Man I have to get a calendar.
  18. Right - it's NYC; they're all single - they eat out.
  19. The high beams should be turned off - but often by time you see a pedestrian there is little time to turn them off (especially if the car is speeding.)
  20. That's because the Canadians aren't expected to do well. ;)
  21. Has Tim Connolly not taught you anything? :)
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