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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I have a headache and I didn't even drink yesterday.
  2. On the drinking front - from the Wall Street Journal today: With Ice, Size Matters
  3. On the bourbon front - anyone ever have the Evan William 1783? I've heard good things about it - excellent quality for a good price. But haven't seen it in any stores I've been to.
  4. I find vermouth to be an acquired taste - you might like the whiskey better without it.
  5. Did you make sure your help request was under 140 characters?
  6. You don't have to feel bad. That cashier will pocket that $10 and then after his shift will go buy a bag of cheap drugs laced with drano and then OD from it.
  7. Do you have a roof rack? ;)
  8. Maybe I'll start up the second league next year for people who want a more mellow league. People like Corp who drafted his team and then never touched it after that. Not even to move a player off the bench. I've been waiting to start up a SabreSpaceGold league! We can then have the option for folks to decide if they want to be part of an highly interactive version or a version with limited change.
  9. A keeper league would be fine if we had a stable group of people who were committed to playing year in and year out for the entire season. Haven't seen that over the last few years with this group.
  10. Looks like we have a dynasty! Midnight / Unbearables wins for the second year in a row! Congratulations!! Calvin and his Calvin's Knights team fought hard but in the end the white flag was raised as Midnight showed no mercy. Congrats to DeLuca / Status Quo - winner of the Managers' Trophy for best regular season. (Though I did beat him in the consolation round to finish 3rd overall in a match much closer then the final score indicates.) If anyone would like to comment about what they liked or didn't like this season - please post it so we can improve next season. I know I didn't like some of our managers not playing out the full season. Maybe we cut the league to 12 teams next year.
  11. Of course I understand you were joking - that's why I used the winking emoticon. You want to make a trade for Gerbe? Oops - trade deadline has passed. :) You beat me to picking up Hejda - that would have given me the edge. Good luck in the finals!
  12. How exciting - my 3000th post was me saying I'm a loser. How fitting. :rolleyes:
  13. What a battle Midnight! Congrats. Can't expect to beat the reigning champ going toe to toe. Calvin is going to have to find the knock out punch.
  14. It's spelled "climate change". ;)
  15. It was a bloody battle. I don't think I'll have anything left in the tank for the next round.
  16. Now you're going to get people complaining about you complaining about complainers.
  17. People complaining about a storm that killed 12 people nationally. Personally I'm thankful when a storm doesn't end up as bad with all of the snow/ice that other areas end up with from it.
  18. After PA is done trapping all of the cats - he probably will have to start trapping the mice and voles.
  19. We appreciate it!
  20. He's got Crosby. My goaltenders have fallen apart. Not a good week at all.
  21. I'm guessing probably will move Butler up front again.
  22. :thumbsup:
  23. To save money.
  24. Never should have gone that far - Roy needs to bury his chance.
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