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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I'll try to piece it together again this year when I have a little time. But everyone is free to list it in this thread.
  2. Probably my only two good picks. :) We'll see who did better the first week of the season as we go head to head!
  3. Gold draft tonight at 8pm ET
  4. (First off - glad the guy survived.) I don't understand - you see all the time in the movies bikers going down to slide underneath the cars and then they pop right back up on the other side. Are you saying that doesn't happen in real life?
  5. I've turned off the undroppable this year - I'll see if i can turn it on just for Crosby. :)
  6. Blue draft tonight at 8pm ET Gold draft tomorrow at 8pm ET
  7. I guess the plan to pick up a few players from each of the other teams didn't go over too well. Twitter stuff: Buccigross John Buccigross Russia's sports minister says Lokomotiv Yaroslavl will not take part in this year's Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) season. Buccigross John Buccigross Lokomotiv President Yury Yakovlyev says team might begin playing in December in the Major Hockey League, the second-highest level in Russia
  8. It will auto draft for you if you don't sign in to do the live draft. But you can show up late and take over from the auto draft if it is still going on.
  9. Per Twitter @dchesnokov Dmitry Chesnokov Alexander Galimov, the lone player who survived, passed away today. RIP
  10. Did you get the PM North Buffalo? We're at 13 teams still - if you don't sign up (or if someone else would like to sign up) soon I am going to have to make Cereal drop out and we will freeze the Blue league at 12 teams.
  11. For anyone in downtown Buffalo right now: Per http://blogs.buffalobills.com/ – Back to Football Friday Today at Court Street Plaza (corner of Pearl Street and Court Street) in downtown Buffalo, the Buffalo Bills will celebrate Back to Football Friday with fans from 12 Noon – 1:00 p.m. The Bills will be serving complimentary Sahlen’s hot dogs and Pepsi beverages during this lunchtime event to help kickoff their 2011 season which begins at Kansas City this Sunday. The Buffalo Jills Cheerleaders, Billy Buffalo and Bills staff will hand out Bills magnets, courtesy of M&T Bank, along with other giveaway items. Also, 97 Rock and DJ Jickster will host a live remote in the plaza to help the Bills and their fans celebrate Back to Football Friday.
  12. Blue is at 13 - just need a few more interested folks! Gold folks - sign up for a second team over at Blue! It's free!
  13. Per Twitter: szegman Paul Szeglowski by JeremyWGR Some sad news for #Sabres star Thomas Vanek. His brother-in-law Josef Vasicek was confirmed as a victim of the Lokomotiv plane crash. The list on the plane according to: edmontonjournal.com But different list here: Via SovSport
  14. Just seems to be what the folks around here like the best. Seems more traditional when you go against one team each week.
  15. Updated that to two. From the original link: "The two survivors are in a serious condition and have been taken to hospital. One of them is team member Aleksandr Galimov. The other is a flight engineer, preliminary reports say. “Galimov has burns to 80 per cent of his body, the crew member has broken bones and lacerations in addition to massive burns,” Dr. Viktor Berezing from the hospital’s burn trauma department told Interfax."
  16. Per Twitter TheFourthPeriod David Pagnotta Former leafs and hawks Dman too... @TGfireandice: Former Ranger Alexander Karpovtsev is an assistant coach with Lokomotiv From slam.canoe.ca Igor Korolev was also an assistant coach. Per twitter vrantanen Vesa Rantanen by TSNBobMcKenzie Ilta-Sanomat reached Jaroslavl's FInnish goalie coach Jorma Valtonen who was not on flight.
  17. Per Twitter TheFourthPeriod David Pagnotta Ex-NHLers on Lokomotiv: Pavol Demitra, Josef Vacisek, Ruslan Salei, Karel Rachunek, Karlis Skrastins & coach Brad McCrimmon (wings old asst)
  18. Tragic plane crash Top KHL squad killed in passenger plane crash in Russia No official names given but here is the roster on the KHL site Head coach: Brad McCrimmon (CAN) # Position Name Born Country 57 defense Anikeyenko, Vitaly 02.01.1987 Russia 39 defense Balandin, Mikhail 27.07.1980 Russia 18 forward Vasyunov, Alexander 22.04.1988 Russia 63 forward Vasicek, Josef 12.09.1980 Czech Republic 35 goaltender Vyukhin, Alexander 09.01.1973 Russia 11 forward Galimov, Alexander 02.05.1985 Russia 38 forward Demitra, Pavol 29.11.1974 Slovakia 20 defense Ditrih, Robert 25.07.1986 Russia 74 defense Kalimulin, Marat 12.08.1988 Russia 28 forward Kalyanin, Alexander 24.09.1987 Russia 83 forward Kiryukhin, Andrei 04.08.1987 Russia 23 forward Klyukin, Nikita 10.11.1989 Russia 1 goaltender Liv, Stefan 21.12.1980 Sweden 15 forward Marek, Jan 31.12.1979 Czech Republic 32 forward Ostapchuk, Sergei 19.03.1990 Russia 4 defense Rachunek, Karel 27.08.1979 Czech Republic 24 defense Saley, Ruslan 02.11.1974 Russia 37 defense Skrastinsh, Karlis 09.07.1974 Russia 69 forward Snurnitsyn, Pavel 10.01.1992 Russia 13 forward Sobchenko, Daniil 13.04.1991 Russia 17 forward Tkachenko, Ivan 09.11.1979 Russia 3 defense Trakhanov, Pavel 21.03.1978 Russia 21 forward Churilov, Gennady 05.05.1987 Russia 52 defense Shuvalov, Maksim 23.04.1993 Russia 72 forward Yarchuk, Artyom 03.05.1990 Russia Injury list # Position Name Born Country 81 defense Urychev, Yury 03.04.1991 Russia
  19. Thanks for joining - that puts us at 11 teams for Blue - just need at least one more. Pretty simple - you're playing against another team for a week and you are trying to win each category. So - for goals - if you score more goals then your opponent during the week - you win the goals category.
  20. Thanks! Blue is at 10 right now - so we still need a few more.
  21. We just do straight head-to-head. Each category counts equally for a win/lose/tie.
  22. Think I'll have to move my Blue team into the Smythe. :)
  23. Well - they always say Buffalo is like Canadian city. Maybe I'll change my team name to the Labatt Erhoffs - has a good ring to it. Though maybe I should go with the Leino Regehrs so the other guys don't feel left out.
  24. That would be super! Blue has 8 teams right now - I'd like to get it to at least 12 if we can.
  25. Looks like I should have made each league 12 teams. Plenty of spots still open in Blue!
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