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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Patriots RB Brandon Bolden has been suspended 4 games without pay for violating the NFL's policy on performance enhancing substances. So that means NE has to forfeit all of the games they played so far this season; right? :)
  2. Go back as far as you want. Iran-Contra, Watergate, Remember the Maine. If you called out other administrations, no matter the political party, for their misdeeds; good on you! We need more of that in America. But that is not what we see for the most part in America today.
  3. I guess the only question is - does NE spot the Bills the first half again? Or do they finish it off early and use the second half to work on the fundamentals?
  4. Well at least it is supposed to be a nice weekend weather wise.
  5. Almost feels like this is the big final push to see if anything can get done to save this season. If this group of meetings doesn't make headway I can see them calling it for the year, coming back after the holidays to start working on getting a deal done for next season.
  6. Let us know when you uncover one on the scale of wmd.
  7. Wait? Are we talking about religion or the tea partyists?
  8. It would be funny if it didn't mean that Boehner will continue to do all he can to prevent this country from getting healthy. A democrat was reelected president, the senate increased in the democrats favor but somehow the republican controlled house is all that matters and the other groups should do as the house demands.
  9. FL would be the way to go. Get on the good side of the hispanic vote early.
  10. He'll bend the trajectory of the football towards Jairus Byrd.
  11. http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html Current world population is already 50 mil over the 7 bil mark.
  12. Pure gerrymandering. No matter who is in charge; the redistricting process should be taken out of government hands and be done by non-partisan groups.
  13. New Hampshire will be the first state to have a female governor and an all female Congressional delegation.
  14. Agree there. I think PA was a smokescreen - trying to get the democrats to divert their time into PA away from the others. It may have worked a bit since they sent Bill Clinton over to PA for that last day.
  15. A couple of facts that probably don't mean anything. If the numbers hold - Obama will be the first democrat since FDR to get 50% or more of the popular vote in 2 elections. This is the first time since Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe that Americans have elected three two-term presidents in a row.
  16. Thank you Chz for reopening this thread. Now I can say God bless America.
  17. It will be interesting to see the voter turnout numbers in the Sandy states compared to last election.
  18. You need to be careful when you get an animal backed into a corner.
  19. In this day and age that person easily could be a vet who gets disability checks because they had their leg blown off.
  20. I guess this is one of those hidden benefits of living in a state with higher taxes (just assuming you are in NY). Seems like there are a ton of polling places which keep the lines relatively short most of the day. I applaud those who wait in line for 4 hours to be able to vote but am glad my taxes allow me to be able to only spend 15 minutes.
  21. .
  22. My enjoyment of this site has decreased by about 80% 79% due to this thread and the cba one.
  23. My enjoyment of this site has decreased by about 80% due to this thread and the cba one.
  24. Voter fraud! Go turn yourself in.
  25. I'm guessing some group is trying to suppress the vote to help whichever candidate. Did a quick search and don't see any proof Ohio has done this. I did find this interesting article about the Ohio voting machines: http://www.salon.com/2012/11/05/ohio_republicans_sneak_risky_software_onto_voting_machines/singleton/
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