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Everything posted by nobody

  1. So Grigorenko gets to center Scott and Kaleta for his 6 minutes again? Excellent!
  2. 24 more of these wins and they have a shot to make the playoffs.
  3. That was pretty much what was said. Grigorenko has been working with the Sabres skating coach trying to improve his stride.
  4. Do you mean 3 points out of 5 games? That's all I can remember now.
  5. Pardy leaves the Amerks to head back to the Sabres.
  6. Ville Leino did some skating. Gotta try to impress the new coach.
  7. Happy birthday. Hoping for a exciting win for you and the Sabres.
  8. I would guess that he would be when they update their system tonight.
  9. ba da bump!
  10. Video version: http://www.wkbw.com/news/FULL-CONFERENCE-Lindy-Ruff-Speaks-to-Media-for-First-Time-Since-Firing-192502321.html
  11. But does he have a little league world series ring?
  12. The Isle still need his cap to stay at the cap floor. They won't buy him out.
  13. Are we still allowed to use twitter? Arthur Staple ‏@StapeNewsday #Isles will place Rick DiPietro on waivers at noon.
  14. audio link over at the BNews http://blogs.buffalonews.com/sabres/2013/02/lindy-ruff-says-goodbye-to-sabreland.html
  15. I'm looking forward to 15 years from now when Lindy is doing hockey hotline.
  16. Thank you Lindy.
  17. So we can blame Jason for Lindy being fired.
  18. OK Rolston - now take those 8 minutes from Hecht and give them to Grigorenko next game.
  19. I'll give Rolston this one game. But we better not see Hecht having more ice time than Vanek.
  20. Happy belated 53rd birthday (2.17), Lindy. I wish you all the best in the future.
  21. It's a tribute name now.
  22. Tim Horton died 39 years ago today.
  23. The rules haven't worked so far this season. Good luck boys.
  24. Still a very very very long road for this team to get back into playoff contention.
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