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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Can easily swap out Edmonton with the Sabres in this article. http://blogs.edmontonjournal.com/2013/04/10/the-edmonton-oilers-are-likely-to-miss-both-the-playoffs-and-the-top-tier-of-the-2013-nhl-draft/
  2. By george, I think hes got it.
  3. They should sit him out until the playoffs. According to Rolston - Stafford is one of the team leaders.
  4. I would say that the sound of booing is at a lower frequency than cheering. As such it takes less people to be heard overall. It may be more than 100 but it probably doesn't take many more.
  5. Which is like giving up 2 firsts this year! :) Anyone see the JS Giguere ripping on his team? Doesn't he know he is supposed to rip on the fans? http://blogs.denverpost.com/avs/2013/04/08/jean-sebastien-giguere-colorado-avalanche-tirade-against-teammates-practice/12915/
  6. People have commented quite often about the poor arena atmosphere - is this causing the fans to act like they do? Does anyone know how are the fans acting at Bandits games this year? Their arena atmosphere has been a party event in the past - the team sucks this year; are the fans booing?
  7. While I would like to see the fans cheer the team on earlier in the game before things go bad; if the team deserves booing then boo away. I wonder if part of it is the fact that a lot of the people that go to the game are not purely Sabres fans since you see so many games where it seems like the opposing teams jersey is on display as much as the Sabres.
  8. Only if you are lucky with the random number generator.
  9. Where do you think Fucale rates for the upcoming draft?
  10. oh well, guess Stafford is still on the team.
  11. I guess the trade could have fallen through.
  12. Do the Caps have any good prospects?
  13. But the Caps are saying it is a significant trade - so has to be more than Stafford. :)
  14. That is a lot to give for Gaborik.
  15. The hockeyyinsiderr one is based off of tweets from the Minn Star Tribune Mike Russo: @Russostrib
  16. We'll have to go see if there is a tape of the Ott/Roy trade from last year. Might have been one of the stipulations that Ott could only stay with the Sabres as long as Roy was with the Stars. :)
  17. Guess you should have started about 30 of them this season. Now if Darcy doesn't make any more trades we know who to blame. ;)
  18. Before Chz can do a Stafford joke: Darren Dreger ‏@DarrenDreger 1m Hearing the Oilers have made a small deal. Edmtn trades Dane Byers to Wash for Garrett Stafford. #tradecentre
  19. Of course it depends on who the prospects are - but seems like a good deal for Dallas. What's it going to take for Darcy to get the Bruins & Canucks 2nds away from Dallas? :) Nick Kypreos ‏@RealKyper 5m Confirming # Stars Jagr to #Bruins is for 2nd pick and 2 prospects. Pick changes depending on how Bruins do.
  20. I guess the Leafs don't need Loungo anymore. Kevin Oklobzija ‏@kevinoDandC Drew MacIntyre has now signed an NHL contract with the Maple Leafs for balance of the season. Couldn't play for Ron Rolston's #Amerks.
  21. Solid return for Dallas. GMs are loving those 2nds this year. Brian Costello ‏@bcostellothn 1m Dallas-bound Kevin Connauton was Vancouver's No. 4 prospect in Future Watch...a solid B-list prospect very close to being NHL-ready.
  22. That's a good deal. With credit cards; now you have about 28 days before you have to pay.
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