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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Since we switched Blue to Tue that means you are good then.
  2. No - it was out of the Gold. :) Back to your original point - I sent you a pm with a link to join a minute after I wrote my comment to you yesterday. Not starting this year off any better than last I see. :( You need to check your messages - maybe you'll find the ones from last year too! ;)
  3. If you are Waratahs - Blue
  4. I've had a request to swap the draft days moving Gold to Mon and Blue to Tue. Any issue with that? Gold draft set right now for Tue Oct 7 9:00pm Blue draft set right now for Mon Oct 6 9:00pm
  5. Not too mysterious since I always send a note or two along the way when i notice someone hasn't been active in a month or so. If you can find an hour each week you can get your Gold roster set for the week.
  6. hum, good question. maybe Chz knows. :rolleyes: pm me your new email address and whatever your team name and league were last year.
  7. Sent you a pm or a dm or whatever it is on this site.
  8. Is it that time already? The leagues have been set up over at yahoo for the 2014-2015 season. I did the auto email to last years managers - so look for that at whatever email you used last year. If you were not part of a league last year just add a message here that you would like to join. You can check them out at: http://hockey.fantas.../sabrespacegold http://hockey.fantas.../sabrespaceblue Gold is a bit more restrictive in player movement while Blue is more free wheeling. Gold draft set right now for Tue Oct 7 9:00pm Blue draft set right now for Mon Oct 6 9:00pm
  9. I'd bet the goalie that had to face Patrick Kane a week or 2 ago in Buffalo might think twice now.
  10. That's special reserve whiskey.
  11. Well Darcy did offer Nolan a 1yr deal oh so many years ago. :) The Sabres did hire Sacco from the worst team in the league - not much difference to hire Bylsma. (Sorry to be picking on your quotes - Sizzle.)
  12. And it was probably made in TN.
  13. So probably Nolan's first two hires will be people he worked with (and haven't had a connection to the NHL for) a decade ago?
  14. Same thing I believe.
  15. If he pans out he'll be a good catch for her.
  16. Giving free AC to the masses? Who's the commie liberal? They're all probably gluten intolerant and don't know it. In France I think they call it Freedom Cheese.
  17. Is Germany playing the Brazil Sabres?
  18. Do I want her - or any owner in this day and age - to declare she will be GM and coach next season? No. But she can do what the typical sports owner does. Based on the things I've read and reports I've watched over the last few years that the Pegula family has been involved - Kim is a very intelligent person and a far better speaker than Terry.
  19. I believe Kim has been a Sabres fan just as long as Terry and is probably a bigger Bills fan then he is. So I'm OK with whatever role as an owner she wants to have.
  20. Poor John Scott - all he wanted was to be taken seriously as a hockey player. #SJSharks' GM Wilson on signing John Scott: "As we integrate more younger players to our team, John's presence alone can act as a deterrent"
  21. Nice easy show what you can do in the next two seasons deal. Foligno re-signs in BUF -- 2 yrs, 1.5/2.25
  22. Funny. Mike Schopp ‏ Looking back: the Sabres traded Moulson and McCormick for Mitchell, Gorges, a 2nd-round pick, Moulson and McCormick.
  23. Happy to hear this one. Now if only they can trade away Stafford....
  24. Good news - the Sabres need the Flames to win some games next season.
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