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  1. Sabres fans are neither here nor there but everywhere.
  2. Love my Hasek Goathead black jersey!
  3. He's getting a Addadicktomy.
  4. Not bad for a Cadaver!
  5. Nashville feed is killing me, nothing but Kathy Lee! OMG does the NHL not know its audience? Are we really Kathy Lee fans?
  6. Springville Microhotel, 20min south on 219, everyone else going north, at least for Bills games, $100 a night, clean. It’s no Marriot.
  7. Is this a SNL skirt?
  8. Sabres and Amerks are winning and look good, best team's in years. But JBOTT is over his head? Give me a break.
  9. If I was Jack and saw Hamilton's sweaty fat ass coming up to me in the locker room for a chat next year he'd see some immaturity...
  10. Great game! Risto took on both those guys at the end!! Priceless!!!
  11. I hope this tough loss plants a seed of hate for the Bruins going forward. Its the start of payback. Plus it pushed us closer to winning the lotto, which we will win from a top 5 pick.
  12. Pees into the wind on purpose with his Boston Bruins Jersey on.
  13. Eichel pick rocks! Great to have the best newest USA hockey player! Glad McDavid goes out west, no soup for Leafs!! And Yotes...just dont feel like hockey town.Sorry Darcy! trying to out tank us! Ok with Edmonton, good fans! Lucky bast***s too!
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