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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Our question for veterans, both active or not, should always be, “What more can we do for you and your families.” But Trump and Musk insist on doing less. Neither has a clue about the unique challenges veterans face. Shame on them. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/trump-musk-military-veterans-war-doge-1235266086/
  2. Doesn’t matter because with Trump at the helm, we will only be a member of NATO in name only, if even that. His good buddy Putin says NATO is a “terrorist organization” after all.
  3. It’s nice that some of us can just self-isolate. However, that is virtually impossible in high density populations when it comes to as virulent a kind of pathogen as SARS Cov 2 was. This administration will seek to censor any information and handcuff the organizations charged with public health policies.
  4. It’s less about transparency than it is a giant one of these: By the most arrogant president and group of lackeys in out history.
  5. I only caught the first period and I though both Karlsson and Hedman sucked; a train wreck of a D pairing. Did that continue the rest of the game?
  6. Irony? Is that the new spelling for hypocrisy?
  7. Nope, no waste here. The hypocrisy is laughable. Why do I doubt that Faux News and the other far right propaganda outlets will even bother to report it.
  8. We better hope we don’t have another pandemic with a deadly disease because if we do, we stand to lose more people than we did with the previous one. RFK Jr. is nothing short of a mentally deranged conspiracist totally unfit for the job.
  9. Trump has long been suspected of laundering money for various Russian interests. Indeed, it was Russian money that saved his businesses. Trump used to boast about how he never used cash to transact business; that it was always smarter to use various forms of credit vs your own money. When American banks would no longer give him loans due to his multiple bankruptcies he had to find other streams of finance. Enter those various Russian oligarchs, Russian mafia, etc. and his business model changed overnight. Eric Trump even boasted that they no longer needed the banks as they now did everything on a cash basis. The old man shut him up quick on that one. I wonder if those Russian mobsters still have residences in Trump Tower, Unit 63A.
  10. Thank you. It’s NOT legal as only Congress controls the purse strings and the appropriation of funds. The Executive branch simply has no authority to re-direct funds already approved and appropriated by Congress. The ignorance of our Constitution and laws by people sworn to protect and defend as well as those who never took the oath in the first place (Musk) is staggering. And it’s a shameful indictment of our patriotism that so many are OK with it.
  11. It’s called leaving a vacuum and bad actors will soon seek to fill it. IMO, unless you’ve been on the ground and have seen first hand the tangible results of our influence in various places around the world, then you just can’t appreciate the importance of the work. By all means, root out and prosecute the corruption and fraud, but by all means, continue to do the work. We seem to have a collective amnesia as to why these agencies were created in the first place. They are even more important today.
  12. Just to be clear, that doesn’t mean the states can’t freely give their assistance in federal law enforcement if authorized to do so. They just can’t be ordered to by the feds.
  13. The 10th Amendment usually does take precedence in favor of the states, thus the difference in drug laws, etc. The supremacy clause comes into play when laws conflict and the federal law always prevails. With regard to this lawsuit over immigration in NY, the federal government is prohibited from using states as the instrument to enforce them and I don’t see the conflict in the actual laws, but it will be interesting to see how the state law that says the DMV must inform people when their information is requested by federal authorities, is challenged.
  14. She’s been peddling her pro Russian propaganda for a while now. A couple of long time intelligence officials I’ve known for years are genuinely concerned over her nomination today.
  15. That would actually make things more efficient which is what I thought DOGE was for. Instead, it is a witch hunt full of lies and unproven accusations.
  16. Other than your position on a gun law designed to help prevent criminals and mentally unstable people from gaining easy access to guns, I pretty much agree with what you posit here. But I am surprised by your take on taxes as it’s interesting to me how one tax (FICA) is an infringement on your personal freedom while others are not a bad thing when used properly.
  17. GOP Congressman from Georgia, Earl Carter actually introduced a bill that would give permission for Cheeto Man to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and rename it Red White and Blue Land. There is simply no end to the GOP’s bull$hit. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/02/11/buddy-carter-greenland/78422602007/
  18. So would invading Greenland. But once again the media is getting sucked into his bat$hit crazy rhetoric instead of focusing on the actual threats to our democracy.
  19. Yep, it will be published alright. Just as soon as their fictional narrative is ready for the presses.
  20. You didn’t trigger anything. If it talks like a fascist, walks like a fascist, and follows a fascist manifesto, then it’s a fascist. The fascist in chief and the complete disdain he and his henchmen have for our Constitution is what triggers me. I took my oath to the Constitution seriously as it’s the most precious thing we Americans share. And it’s certainly worth defending as we’ve had to since our inception. Damn right I’m triggered, but you don’t need to take credit for that.
  21. One would think that seeking opposing viewpoints is a sign of curiosity and intelligence as well as a healthy mental outlook. But facts, while certainly open to editorial opinion, are simply not subjective. Unfortunately, we live in an age where there are “alternative facts” as KellyAnne Conway articulated and supposedly “responsible” news organizations are all for it.
  22. Nowadays people don’t require proof as they are only willing to believe in whatever narrative confirms their biases. And I’d be interested in knowing if Faux News, Newsmax, or any other far right source will even bother to report the facts to their audiences. They are notorious for not doing so but their viewers/listeners are so uncomfortable outside their safety bubbles, it’s no surprise they wouldn’t bother to seek the truth in the first place.
  23. If you completely recall it, then you know I wasn’t saying SS had anything to do with denying people medical care, preventing marriage choice, or the ability to serve in the military. So I’m glad we’re clear on that. As for all the rest of it, I appreciate your taking the time to expand on your viewpoints. I meant to add that I agree 100% with your take on religion. It has no place in our politics, let alone any direct influence on our laws. But the GOP uses it like a cudgel to divide this nation.
  24. The opportunity to make history like the Chiefs had last night doesn’t come along often, if at all. It’s understandable why Chiefs fans may feel so miserable about it.
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