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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Good luck with Penn State getting recruits after this. My son will NEVER go to Penn State because that institution enabled a serial pedophile for AT LEAST 13 years that we know of and never lifted a finger to stop it. The safety of my child wouldn't come first at Penn State. They have violated a sacred public trust and it will be years before they earn it back. By the time it's all over, JoePa will be grateful he was let go. This mess is going to explode in ways the Penn State faithful can't imagine.
  2. He'll never see a minute in general population. He'll be locked up with other pedophiles.
  3. Interesting how the author just briefly alludes to the 1998 incident in which Penn State police investigated Sandusky for taking showers with little boys as a "wild card" out there. Sandusky admitted to it. Sandusky also said he couldn't promise he wouldn't do it again. Does this author think for a minute JoePa didn't know about what occurred in 1998? The 2002 shower rape NEVER WOULD HAVE OCCURRED if Penn State, the Athletic Department, and JoePa didn't ignore the events of 1998. That little boy was 6 years old in 1998. Somebody could have warned him that 4 years later Sandusky would target him. Nobody did.
  4. Gerbe time is over. Next. GO SABRES!!!
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