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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I copied and pasted this post from "scraps" on the Off the Wall forum at TBD. I submit this is why PSU will never get it. It's gonna take them losing the lion's share of their $1.7b endowment in civil cases before they wake up it looks like. The elephant in the room is the shoddy way in which JoePa was treated? Really? Unbelievable.
  2. Unfortunately there will be unwitting victims here. For the players that can't find other D-1 programs, PSU will honor their scholarships. The extent of their punishment will be not playing football. While sad, it's hardly tragic. For the officials there are pending lawsuits and their punishments await. But as I mentioned above, none if this coverup occurs if not for the football program itself. I don't think JoePa and Co. behave so immorally if not under the influence of having to protect the major source of revenue for the school and the various programs it funded. I think all this is a moot point, however, because the NCAA does not have jurisdiction to suspend the football program for criminal violations outside it's purview. I believe the school itself will have to self-inflict that punishment. And I don't see that happening given the amount of money they stand to lose in doing so. Back to the kids on that team, though. I feel sorry for the amount of abuse they are gonna take at road games. It's gonna get ugly. I've already seen references to the chant, WE ARE PED STATE. Ugly. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  3. There is precedence for this.
  4. If the decision is made to suspend the program, PSU should honor all scholarship commitments to it's athletes, regardless. While I agree that with the major principals now removed from the scene represents a start in cultural change, I think that's all it is, a start. They were the tail of the dog that wagged them. The dog being the hundreds of millions of dollars generated by the program that clouded their judgment in the first place.
  5. We are Penn State indeed. Sounds like a lovely work-place environment. I'm sure there will be real change in the culture. Right. http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/15/us/triponey-paterno-penn-state/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
  6. Nobody likes a tattle-tale.
  7. Hard not to smile when someone is tickling your armpit. GO SABRES!!!
  8. Eventual shrine? That's pretty much what State College, PA is now. He was, along with others, responsible for withholding information in 1998 that, if they had the balls to report it, would have DIRECTLY prevented a 10 year old boy from getting raped in their facility in 2001. How anyone in the PSU community can deny that is beyond my scope of understanding. His statue needs to be take down before someone makes a pilgrimage just to deface it.
  9. That's a damn good idea. Would seem to help both parties. GO SABRES!!!
  10. If the statues were going to be erected at the Hockey HOF then, yes, the list of Sabres deserving of one would be short at best. But this is about a singular team recognizing their signature players over the years. Like the Wall of Fame at The Ralph honors Bills greats of the past. I think Punch deserves a statue. GO SABRES!!!
  11. I think arbitrary is an elite word. GO SABRES!!!
  12. Is it just me or does "Wojtek Wolski" sound like something Elmer Fudd would say? GO SABRES!!!
  13. Quiet or you'll blow my cover as a troll. GO SABRES!!!
  14. Statues are nice but just like the new locker room, spiffy logo rug, and fireplace for the players to curl up and read romance novels by, I am not falling for it at all. This is just another attempt by Pegula and Co. to distract us from focusing on the 15 year reign of ineptitude perpetrated by DR and his minion, Lindy Ruff. I know it's harsh medicine, but I owe it to the fans to point this out. Lest anyone give them credit for actually trying to make the team better when they so obviously are not. GO SABRES!!!
  15. They also mentioned that a "well-known" FA specifically decided against signing with Detroit because of the reports that Babcock was too tough on his players. Whoever that player is, the Wings are better off without him. GO SABRES!!!
  16. The GM of a sports franchise praises the coach in the same public forum that so many have used to criticize him and it's a violation of some sacred public trust? Really? GO SABRES!!!
  17. ^ Ah, the 'ol Tropp swap. Seldom seen. But always dangerous. GO SABRES!!!
  18. "For reasons I'm not going to get into on this call." Semin is just not a Lindy type of player. I'm not sure if he was in the lineup in the game when they laid down against us early in the season in order to get their coach fired but that left an impression on GMs and HCs around the league, I'm sure. We need guys like Ott and Doan to be mentoring our young players. Not players like Semin. I'm relieved. GO SABRES!!!
  19. K-9

    Why not Miller?

    I made the mistake of chiming in before I caught up to the rest of the thread. I'm sorry I did. I don't like getting in the middle of crusades. Looks like we have a regular Templar Knight on the subject of how bad Miller is. GO SABRES!!!
  20. K-9

    Why not Miller?

    Have you ever played sports at a high level, suffered an injury, and come back to play? Have you ever suffered two concussions in one calendar year? There is a difference between being cleared to play and returning to form. It's like that for every athlete faced with a rehabilitative process. Miller is no different. Same thing happened to him a couple seasons ago when he came back from his knee injury. He was cleared to play but it took him a while before he was back to form. That was readily apparent to even the most casual fan. GO SABRES!!!
  21. I think DeLuca only wants him because he's a coach killer and well... GO SABRES!!!
  22. chz has her own television series? GO SABRES!!!
  23. Now that is some seriously funny stuff right there. That's what I'm talkin' about! Way to bring it, chz. GO SABRES!!!
  24. You gotta problem with gummies? GO SABRES!!!
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