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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I see you deleted the post that Eleven responded to but I get the impression it was meant for me. We never got around to discussing those important issues because we never got past our discussion on what you and I believe MattPie was saying. I too, strongly believe that there are far more important and pressing issues in this country than those social issues we talked about. Too bad we can't discuss them. Perhaps if you hadn't turned our discussion into a narrow one about the USA being a Christian nation AND then tried to underscore that by citing the 1st Amendment and the establishment clause, we could have. However, after your disingenuos and condescending response, I feel it's best not to debate those issues with you. It's obvious to me you can only debate those issues with like-minded people. Which kind of defeats the entire purpose.
  2. Does Drane know about this? If not, break it to him very gently. Calm voice, no sudden movements, air scent of a stable, and perhaps some soothing pan flute playing in the background. GO SABRES!!!
  3. Whatever you say, God Warrior.
  4. I can recite the Bill of Rights by memory. I pasted an article for your edification. You choose to respond with condescension. Well done. And then you go on to suggest it's just the rest of us that are stupid? And as for your link, that says all I need to know about what frames this argument for you. I can't debate this issue in good conscience. Onward Christian soldier.
  5. Inane or not, they are important to many people and can't simply be ignored and pooh-poohed by people who think they should be. Let alone be legislated. Here's a little something on the 1st Amendment to refresh your memory: Notice that part about establishing an official religion. Or having a preference. That's just as important as telling someone they can't practice theirs. We are NOT a Christian nation. We are a nation with Christians in it. A HUGE difference. The establisment clause is quite clear. And It's only judicial activism when the decision doesn't fit one's preference. Like it or not, that's OUR system of government in action. One that I don't have to tell you is worth sacrificing for. We can all agree on that.
  6. I say I hope you're right. GO BILLS!!!
  7. I did. And then you wrote: IMHO, Matt did not say that at all. He said the republican party has a large and very vocal view on those issues that he doesn't agree with. I'm sure he realizes that gays in the Republican party aren't anti-gay or the women are anti-women, etc. But you are delusional if you think that there isn't a large faction on the right that doesn't want to confer the right for gays to marry, for woman to be able to exercize their right to choose, that doesn't want to limit public healthcare, and that doesn't want to have prayer back in the classroom. Christ, there have been calls from some in the party to have America declared a "Christian" nation. I'm just saying that we can have honest discussion of issues without accusing the other side of painting everyone with the same brush, getting all defensive about it, and ruining the opportunity for finding middle grounds on the issues we all feel are important.
  8. This is valid I think. I've heard from people at the game that on the sidelines there were times the other night when Fitz and Thigpen were looking at photos, etc as a QB group and Young was just sitting alone on the bench choosing not to join them. Of course we are viewing that without context but it is interesting that some were saying he looked withdrawn. This fits what fans and media in both of his prior cities have observed as well. GO BILLS!!!
  9. That's what you got out of Matt's post? Defensive much? There is little hope for honest public discourse when we are too entrenched.
  10. I'm not quite sure what you mean about people needing to offer an explanation for something they have no control over. It's fair to say the vast majority of us want Doan even at the inflated price of the cost to get him to a place like Buffalo. Others have offered very reasonable ideas as to why that number is too high especially relative to his age and the cap, etc. Anyway, the decision rests entirely with Doan, regardless of what the Sabres offer and no matter how enticing the pitch. It doesn't matter to me what reasons he has to not take our deal. While it would certainly be disappointing to me that he chose to play elsewhere, I would in no way hold that against the Sabres, let alone think that makes them a cesspool. I don't see anyone looking to excuse the Sabres. I think you are looking for an excuse to take them to the woodshed if Doan doesn't agree to come here, in spite of their best efforts to sign him. Why is that? Sometimes best effort is all that can be expected. The Sabres are certainly doing that in this case as evidenced by their exceedingly generous offer. If they didn't make the effort then yeah, I could question their resolve to get better. I simply can't in the Doan case. GO SABRES!!!
  11. Just to see if I have this straight, if Doan doesn't take the Sabres' offer he's an idiot and the Sabres' organization is a cesspool. Got it. GO SABRES!!!
  12. Only the most blinded Vince Young hopefuls would have predicted any type of QB controversy. For better or worse, Fitz is the undisputed starter and he has been since two games into the 2010 season. Young wasn't going to change that no matter how well he played. GO BILLS!!!
  13. That is a seriously f*cked up provision. I can perhaps understand being paid if injured or waived, but if a player decides on his own free will to retire he is the one who voids the deal. No way a team should be on the hook for that. GO SABRES!!!
  14. And if he doesn't sign with us? GO SABRES!!!
  15. Your meltdown in the event Doan chooses not to sign with the Sabres will be EPIC in its proportions. This posturing confirms those suspicions. Doan signing or not wouldn't compel me to leave this BB one way or the other. You'll just have to further suffer my presence. As to the bolded text, can you explain how anyone thinking that Doan may choose to play for some other team is just "excusing away more Sabres failure?" GO SABRES!!!
  16. Actually, wjag, bullets are very inexpensive. They're not all created equally to be sure, but walk into Walmart or go online and see how much they are. You'll be surprised. Heck, lots of people make their own and save even more.
  17. There are several things that can "screw this up." I get the impression you are girding for an unprecedented Regier-ripping frenzy in the event he doesn't sign with us. Saying there is "no reason Shane Doan can't or shouldn't be a Buffalo Sabre in 3 weeks" is just not looking at the situation realistically. It could be anything from A to Z when it comes to not playing in Buffalo. I'll start with A: he just doesn't want to play for the Sabres. Period. GO SABRES!!!
  18. Doan it make my brown eyes Doan it make my brown eyes Doan it make my brown eyes... Blue GO SABRES!!!
  19. Literally ludicrous. Nice alliteratin though. GO SABRES!!!
  20. The decaffeinated Eleven would know I was just making a joke about LR wanting to get rid of Drury and Briere. The worry is, have you lost your sense of humor just because we traded Roy? GO SABRES!!!
  21. I'm really starting to worry about you, eleven. But thanks anyway. GO SABRES!!!
  22. I think it means that Lindy is a xenophobe and couldn't WAIT to get rid of Drury and Briere. We need a team full of Albertans! GO SABRES!!!
  23. Hey, we have the "Breast" thread below for talk like that. GO SABRES!!!
  24. That is a Roger Ailes invention. He's also the guy that invented intentionally changing a disgraced Republican politician's party affiliation to (D) whenever news of that disgraced politician was scrolled at the bottom of the FoxNews screen. He's big on subliminal suggestion I guess. In addition to other things.
  25. No doubt! Each name you mention has got to be in the discussion. They can all muck in the corners or go on an end to end rush as far as I'm concerned. Chops are chops. And then there's Andre Segovia.
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