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Everything posted by K-9
Yep. Gilmore was money all day. If that trend continues, Wanny will find some additional scheme flexibility. GO BILLS!!!
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Very similar to the complaints of former NFL players and their criticism of the NFLPA on the issue of pensions and extended medical benefits. I wonder if there is a comparable NHL Player Rep to Drew Brees and whether Rob Ray would call him a "little piece of sh*t", like Joe Delamalleure did when he said that about Brees. GO SABRES!!!
Mitt did much better than I thought. He was very well prepared. Although he spent a lot of energy trying to mitigate his "47%" debacle. But he was in good command of his message tonight and appealed to his base. And I actually thought Barack was a little on the defensive. I'm looking forward to the debates on foreign policy. Not NEARLY enough to get me to re-join the Republican party. But that would have to come more from Republicans in Congress anyway. And they are just too far off the rails at the moment.
Well, that was certainly uplifting. Given that posture and knowing how intractable Bettman and the owners are, I see no reason to think this season happens. Thanks for the news though, chz. I check this thread first click every day for updates.
Have you been reading my posts over on TSW or something? On a few occasions, I've had to refute Joe Buscaglia's misinformed critique of MW's performance against the run on Sunday. He and Anderson were very technically sound all day against the run. Played their run reads and responsibilities very well indeed. It's nice to read another poster that sees it, too. I get the impression that a few folks in Bills Nation NEVER witnessed a down MW played in college or Houston. The rest of the D, with the exception of Gilmore who I feel had a VERY good game and his best as a pro on Sunday, is firmly planted in my doghouse. And it's hard to get out of once that door shuts. I'll just say I hope they retain the sour taste of that game far longer than anything sweet they get going forward. GO BILLS!!!
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Officially blocked but poll officials can still ask for ID even though it's not required to be presented. Doesn't make sense. Still a ton of potential for chaos at the booths. I'm still convinced the fix is in. Not only in PA but in states around the country. I'll be pleasantly surprised if we don't need another SCOTUS decision after it's all said and done. Sorry if that sounds cynical but there is precedent.
No. Owning a ticket is not a contract. It's a license granted by the team for that particular seat for that particular game. If you read the fine print it should mention something to the effect that the team reserves the right to revoke the license. Consider it revoked. GO SABRES!!!
I agree Israel won't wait that long. Netanyahu said as much in his speech. He gives Iran until spring or summer to have enriched enough material to assemble a bomb.
I agree it's a huge political pothole for Obama and not just for reelection purposes. He has an entire Mideast foreign policy moving forward to consider after the election as well. Ultimately, it doesn't matter if Israel has our approval or not, she will act as she has always done when faced with threats of this nature. Whether it's Iraq in 1981 or Syria in 2007, they show no compunction about striking perceived nuclear threats. Because of that precedence, there is no doubt in my mind that Israel has the tacit approval to act unilaterally as long as Israel doesn't act before the election which, if Netanyahu's window of next spring or summer is any indication, won't be a problem for them. In any event, if Persia does end up with nukes, the minute I see one of their leaders in a blue turban, I'm running for cover.
There is no doubt in my mind that Israel has the tacit blessing of the United States to undertake the dismantling of the Iranian nuclear development program which they certainly have the capability to do unilaterally.
Just give it to 'em. GO BILLS!!!
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And what gave rise to their power in the region?
If N Korea or Cuba were sitting on trillions of dollars worth of oil reserves and represented large American, British, and other multi-national investments in those resources since their discovery in the early 1900s, you can rest assured they would be treated like Middle Eastern countries.
Actually, I wasn't responding to anyone in particular. Just throwing that out there. There is no doubt that the next technological boom would help but even that is no guarantee. American companies have stopped investing in American workers. We need that to change more than anything but when great American companies and the great American patriots that run them can manufacture their products for a mere fraction of the costs overseas, what is the American worker to do? This has been going on for generations and in every sector. When I stopped and asked the project manager on a bridge construction project where they got their steel, he told me it came from China. The same goes for nearly all the other materials used on the project as well. From lumber to paint. That was a taxpayer funded project. And that's f*cked up seven ways to Sunday.
Taxes and deregulation have never been more favorable to businesses as they have been since the Bush tax cuts. Where are all the jobs those two tenets of trickle down economics were supposed to generate? What makes anyone think that by lessening either that the "job creators" will then begin to do just that? Demand is the only thing that creates jobs, not these so called "job creators."
For the life of me, I don't know why anyone, Republican, Democrat, or Other, would be afraid of the voice of the people. It's cowardly on every level.
Well, not quite. But if it's gonna get called, you know it has to be against us. Cost us a home playoff game as it turned out. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2011/6/16/2225057/buffalo-bills-walk-off-foxboro-patriots GO BILLS!!! That entire final drive by the Seahawks was an officiating travesty. From the bad roughing the passer call that negated the INT to the 32 yard pass interference call that put them in field position, it was just a putrid display of officiating. GO BILLS!!!
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Per what time frame? Day, week? Afternoon? GO BILLs!!!
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Honest question and it may require checking yourself before answering: Is the real issue the seeming lack of MSM coverage of the movie or your perceived lack of outrage this film has garnered vs. Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11?' D'Souza has received tons of MSM exposure over the years. He was the first person I'm aware of to call the 9/11 hijackers "brave." That was a hard comment to ignore in 2002, even for the radical leftist MSM. But honestly, how can anyone take him seriously when he thinks the cause of 9/11 was the American left and their desire for same sex marriage and drug use?
Outstanding suggestion! Consider it seconded. GO SABRES!!!
Further proof as to why the republican party left me vs. why I didn't leave the republican party. But like Mike Tarzai, I have to give Metcalfe credit for speaking like he thinks. Looks like the party is falling in line nicely with Mitt's declaration of war the other day. http://blogs.philadelphiaweekly.com/phillynow/2012/09/20/state-rep-metcalfe-says-voter-id-opponents-%E2%80%98too-lazy-to-get-up-and-get-out-there%E2%80%99/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=state-rep-metcalfe-says-voter-id-opponents-%25e2%2580%2598too-lazy-to-get-up-and-get-out-there%25e2%2580%2599
Wish I was as confident as you are. Given the rash of republican controlled states that all had the same spontaneous urgency to fix their voter laws for this election, I think the fix is in. And I think it has the potential to make Florida 2000 look like a smooth operation in comparison. I'm automatically assuming that every swing state will need judicial intervention to sort out the coming messes.
I didn't see the Letterman show but that sounds funny just on the face of it. To me it doesn't rise to the level of an unforgiveable offense. But I can see why someone who's against his re-election would. And that's cool with me. The reason why I mention Bush's decision to prosecute wars AND cut taxes is because I am genuinely worried and convinced that is the EXACT same playbook that Romney will play with if he gets elected. He'll have the same backing from the same neocons to do just that. And his complete detachment and lack of understanding of the middle class will prevent him from having any compunction at all when it comes to committing the lives of our fighting men and women to achieve that end. That scares the living crap out of me when it's not pissing me off to no end.
In the face of the American consulate attack in Lybia and the growing protests at other American foreign diplomatic outposts around the world, do you think any president would make all of his diplomatic work and in what channels that work is conducted, a matter of public knowledge? There are a million reasons why a president WOULDN'T and SHOULDN'T do that. Certainly it can't be news that any politician anywhere will say anything to get elected. IMO, he's absolutely correct that, in the SHORT TERM as he said, the debt isn't the number one priority for the nation. A TON of work needs to be done to just to get in a position to chip away at it. Maybe if some of those Republican senators and congressmen whose first order of business is making sure Obama is a one term president agreed, he would get the consensus needed in order to move forward. The fact of the matter is that EVERY president in my lifetime, from Kennedy through Obama, has never done anything more than pay lip service to the debt. But there has only been ONE president that I can think of, that actually thought it was fiscally OK to prosecute two wars AND cut taxes.
Romney has stated many times in speeches and in his ads that he will be creating 12,000,000 jobs over three years. What more do you need to convince you that his business acumen uniquely qualifies him to bring back our economy?