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Everything posted by K-9

  1. 'The Economist' once again endorses Obama. First Bloomberg and now 'The Economist.' Not exactly enemies of big business. I'll enjoy reading why this endorsement is up there with Colin Powell's. http://www.forbes.co...-for-president/
  2. Whatever you say, chief.
  3. That's a lot of billable hours to forego. I can see doing pro bono work on behalf of clients without means or in the hopes of being on the winning side of an issue that makes your name in your particular area of specialization but the players can certainly afford it and Fehr certainly doesn't need the name recognition. But if he's cool with it, so am I.
  4. Good question. CNN is just indicating 'cancelled' but I gotta believe it'll be postponed.
  5. Bloomberg came to his senses and canceled the marathon.
  6. Not taking a paycheck at all or just not taking one until there's a settlement?
  7. I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest Fehr isn't doing this on a pro bono basis. Or on a Sonny Bono basis for that matter.
  8. Or what about supplying arms to Osama bin Laden to oust the Soviets? Or what about supplying arms to Saddam Hussein to fight the Iranians? It's not always easy to predict which friends today will be your enemies of tomorrow. Especially in that part of the world.
  9. An attention starved middle aged man in a state of arrested adolescent development perhaps? GO BILLS!!!
  10. If only we could impeach, have a hearing, and vote to remove Obama from office by Tuesday. Damn!
  11. Thus once again proving there is no difference between a nutjob Muslim cleric and a nutjob Christian cleric.
  12. As a parent of a 11 and 7 year olds, this story hits particularly hard. In their report on this story, CNN showed the place where her SUV stalled, the sinkhole she ended up in, and the toppled tree she clung to with her two children. Within 50 feet of that tree is the house she told people she knocked on the door of only to be rebuffed by the owner. 50 feet between clinging to a tree and two little ones in 90 mph winds and the shelter of a home. CNN also interviewed the man who allegedly denied her refuge. His version is that he never saw any woman with children but that a man had thrown a concrete brick through is back door when the homeowner refused to go outside and assist the man. Perhaps, in the terror of that storm the man was confused and scared, and with good reason. Only he and the woman know the truth. But when I see the proximity of that tree and his house, it's hard to believe she didn't knock on his door. That man is going to be vilified for the rest of his life. This storm claimed victims in many ways to be sure.
  13. This is true. Unfortunately, storm warnings often sound like crying wolf to many people. You have NOTHING to lose by heeding them but risk losing EVERYTHING when you don't. Just read a NY Times story about some of the victims they've recovered. Heart wrenching stuff.
  14. My question to my fellow Sabres fan in Atlanta was a serious one. The idea of having to pass some sort of civil test has been proposed for a couple hundred years at one time or another. Sorry to disappoint your presumption that I was giving anyone a pass. That video is a lesson in something far more important than the ignorance of college kids. I'll let you figure out what that is for yourself. Just so long as your vote "stands the test of fire."
  15. I think Bloomberg is trying to have his "9/11" moment like Rudy G did and show the rest of the world that New Yorkers are tough and resilient and can rise above the adversity. But it was nearly two months between the events for Rudy while they are still finding bodies in the post Sandy recovery effort today. This is a stupid move by Bloomberg and it wouldn't surprise me if he changed his mind.
  16. Great read. Thanks for posting. I commend those NOPD officers who never lost sight of their humanity during that time. But that city never had a chance given the ineptitude of its local leadership.
  17. I didn't do jack. Kudos to the men and women who willingly put themselves in harm's way in service to others. Noble people, all of them.
  18. Even me? Nice. Keep up with your assumptions. And blame the 'main stream media' bogeyman all you like. A president simply can't say "heckuva job, Brownie" against the backdrop of the images we saw coming out of NO in Katrina's aftermath. But I blame Bush's advisers for that historic gaffe more than Bush himself. Brownie sure made a nice scapegoat though, didn't he? Turn about is fair play? During a national disaster? Are you hoping we'll see images of corpses left on the street, hungry people crammed into unfit shelters, people stranded for days, bodies carried from homes, anarchy on the streets? I don't know how to respond to that level of maturity about the issue.
  19. Anyone seen the latest Huckabee ad for Romney. "Vote for values that will stand the test of fire." Mike Huckabee scaring the faithful with eternal damnation if they vote for Obama.
  20. I think that's a fair way of putting it. I agree.
  21. I guarantee I will not seek to make ANYTHING partisan about this. I am sincerely interested in the context. In another lifetime, I supplied emergency satcom to disaster mitigation organizations all over the world. From earthquakes in Japan to hurricanes here, these response teams HAVE to be extremely cautious about how they go about their business. The storm is over but the potential for people to put themselves in harm's way is still very real. I am willing to bet that there are STILL pockets of natural gas that have to be dealt with for instance. It's dangerous work much of the time.
  22. Dog days of February. That is priceless. GO BILLS!!!
  23. Please find a link. I'd really like some context here. Any idea of which specific relief efforts they were talking about? In the meantime, can you think of any reason why a required permit might be important for some of the work that needs to be done?
  24. Wow, I just assumed that Marine One must have landed in NO. Even though I put a TON of blame on his advisers for the mistakes he made in terms of rhetoric, for him not to land and get up close to the destruction is totally on him. Even if he was advised not to, a president has to say, "Phuck it, those are my people down there."
  25. I recall Bush personally surveying the damage from Marine One as well in the aftermath of Katrina. Perhaps I'm "misremembering?" Anyway, as I said upthread, what doomed Bush and forever stamped him as bungling Katrina in the eyes of many was that his rhetoric did not match the images we were being bombarded with. And if things worsen and people become less patient with no power and living in shelters, etc. the potential is there for Obama to have his own "helluva job, Brownie" moment as well. And I GUARANTEE that Fox News and the Drudges of the world are busy looking for just such an opening with this disaster.
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