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Everything posted by K-9

  1. It's my understanding that Stand Your Ground and Self-Defense are two entirely different scenarios under FL law and that is why Zimmerman didn't argue Stand Your Ground. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/310945-bloomberg-martin-death-evidence-stand-your-ground-should-go
  2. Not sure what the 'stand your ground' law has to do with the Zimmerman case. His defense team never argued that and for good reason.
  3. I fully appreciate and respect where you're coming from on this. And I agree. I guess I'm drawing a distinction between certain prejudices and unconscious biases. Thanks for the insight into the process. All of us on this planet see the world through the prism of our own experiences. Bias must ALWAYS be considered as a result.
  4. I'm merely saying that little of it resides in the subconscious mind at all. Indeed, it's at the very front of our thought processes more often than we'd care to admit. Expecting civil unrest as a result of this trial, like many others in the past, and knowing beforehand that most of that unrest will come from the African-American community, has little to do with racial stereotypes in my view. It's just a natural extension of human nature not confined to race at all. Perhaps that is too simple a thought process on my part. But I think most of us would react in similar ways to perceived injustices as we have throughout time.
  5. It's not subconscious at all. Given the centuries of institutionalized racism in this country, it is anything but to anyone with a cursory understanding of our history in this regard. We'd all like to think we've evolved to the point of truly putting the sins of our fathers behind us, but that's just not the case. Sadly, I'm not convinced we ever will given the gulf between "just get over it" and "whitey won't give me a chance."
  6. You're seriously trying to conflate an organized political movement with unorganized mob violence and vandalism? Or is it just a smarmy way of saying that people who participate in these protests and violent acts are representative of liberals in general and the Democratic party in particular?
  7. And thank God for that.
  8. So, the ideologies of the parties is irrelevant and has no bearing on their respective histories? Really? You would have me believe that the Tea Party of today more closely resembles the party of Lincoln than the party of Stephen Douglas? You would have me believe that the party of Strom Thurmand (before he became a Republican in 1964, by the way) and George Wallace hail from the same party as Bill Clinton? The administration's news network? That clinches it. I'm just exchanging viewpoints with another Roger Ailes shill.
  9. The historical record it the historical record? That's it? Like I said, an exercise in futility. I'm a reformed Republican myself. I have no stomach for either party, either. I find both just as corrupt as the other. I'll only say I find your narrative a bit truncated but I understand the time and space constraints of this forum. Many of the social programs you cite like trade schools, etc. were gutted over the years by the same party that seeks to further cut these social programs in favor of raiding the treasury in support of their own corporate welfare programs. Both parties have done a great job of demonizing the other. I object more to the demonizing of certain classes and groups though.
  10. It would be an exercise in futility for starters. You are being disingenuous if you are aware of and yet choose to not point out that the political ideologies of both parties have changed over the course of history. The modern day Republican and Democratic parties resemble their forebears in name only. If you aren't aware of these sea -shifts in their respective party ideologies over time, then you are not being disingenuous, just ignorant. Nothing wrong with that. But there is no shortage of material available. And the last place I would look is a bastardized Hollywood production. Are you still pissed that they didn't mention the parties involved in the movie so close to the last election?
  11. I've never doubted the dubious role the Southern Democrats have played in our history, going back to pre-civil war days and all the way through the civil rights movement of the 60s. Not for a second. But the idea that the modern Republican party has some sort of kinship with the fledgling party of Lincoln's era is preposterous. They were considered the radical, liberal party of the times. Indeed, the Civil War era Democratic party more closely resembled the modern day Republican party given their mutual conservative stances on social, cultural, and political issues. History isn't about what happened. It's about the telling of what happened. If some are content with the media doing the telling, so be it. But there is a wealth of information out there, old and new, that informs us so much better.
  12. It's amazing that people can assume that a Hollywood movie about Lincoln and the Civil War is the extent of one's knowledge on the subject. To connect the modern day Republican and Democratic parties with those of that era is ridiculous. I didn't want to assume you were that ignorant on the subject which is why I thought you were being disingenuous.
  13. Disingenuous much?
  14. He'll be brought in just to "mentor" the young forwards. I'm just glad Jagr was cleared of those animal molestation charges when he was battling Marfan's as a younger player in Pittsburgh. GO SABRES!!!
  15. Why did waldo delete his post? Was it because he decided to research the FED a little bit before spouting off about its relationship with the president? Or was it to research its history relative to flooding the market with dollars?
  16. Reminds me of a Monty Python bit. GO SABRES!!!
  17. Time is not right to be looking towards free agency. We must tear it all down, grow our own, and just accept the fact that it's gonna be a while for the kids to come together. When we reach the point where we're competitive on a nightly basis, make the playoffs, and be a team nobod likes playing against, then it will be time to add an FA as a missing piece to put us over the top. Again. GO SABRES!!!
  18. Excellent post. For all the talk about coaches and schemes, it starts with talented players to execute them. We just don't have enough to compensate for nights when guys don't bring their best games. I think we're a "tweener" team. Part NHL, part AHL. GO SABRES!!!
  19. I don't want to see Miller go, either. I think he's a good goalie that's shown he can get us deep when the other pieces are around him. Needless to say, we are way short of other pieces at the moment. That said, I feel he has to go. He has made an enemy out of the fans and clearly sounds like he doesn't want to be a part of a rebuilding effort. He's mentally checked out of town. It's time for his body to follow. Thanks for the great times, Ryan. Good luck where ever you end up. GO SABRES!!!
  20. Thanks. Now I know Fucale ain't no fugazi. GO SABRES!!!
  21. Somebody needs to tell me how to pronounce this name. Until then, I keep thinking it's something Donnie Brasco would say. GO SABRES!!!
  22. Did you see the footage of Lindy towel-snapping Kassian in the shower? It's the same one that shows Lindy giving Adam a hanging wedgie. If you look closely, that's Adam hanging from the shower head while he's towel-snapping Kassian. GO SABRES!!!
  23. Haha. As long as there is the "essence" of horse, it will never decompose. How else can one create context out of nothing? As long as Lindy Ruff breathes, the horse stays alive. I saw Ruff kick the schit out of Kassian and Adam that very same day. Beat them both to a bloody pulp. And it wasn't part of any "teaching" moment in coaching. Just a good ass kicking. Lindy even let Adam keep his visor on and he was nice enough to let Kassian remove his fake chiclet first. GO SABRES!!!
  24. You forgot there is not a spot for Ott in OTT That's all I gott. GO SABRES!!!
  25. I don't know. Miller can often be above average debate. And, depending on how nuanced the discussion, Miller debate can border on sublime at times. GO SABRES!!!
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