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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Sure, there's an element of making it up as you go simply by virtue of the fact the position was made up to begin with. I see nothing wrong with a reassessment of the position and the conclusion that it may no longer be necessary. Companies do this all the time. With Murray on as GM and Patrick in house as an adviser, the need for a formal President of Hockey Operations may not exist. Depends on how you look at it, I guess. I just don't see the big problem here. GO SABRES!!!
  2. Stewart with two goals in a Bernier-like debut. GO SABRES!!!
  3. Patty's position didn't even exist before TP created it for him. Not sure how returning to a previous structure looks really bad. I think we'll find out that Patty went all "Polian" on somebody. I hope he didn't use the C-word on TP's daughter. GO SABRES!!!
  4. Sufficiency and milking it to slake the thirst of the 24 hour news cycle are two different things. GO SABRES!!!
  5. Other than because of the bias we carry for PLF as a favored all-time player in Buffalo, why should we be surprised that he's got a HUGE ego and an over-inflated sense of what's right AND be willing to go to the mat over it? Those attributes helped make him one of the best players in history. It's part of his makeup and he probably doesn't suffer what he considers "fools" very easily as a result. As I said upthread, HOF players in sports rarely make successful transitions to front office positions. Patty is 0-2 in this department and his short stints in both places is more than a coincidence. Some will feel the need to make this all about TP, the "inner circle" (ALL sports team owners have them BTW), and how dysfunctional they are in order to satisfy some preconceived narratives. But the simple truth seems to be that Patty just isn't cut out for it. While it's embarrassing in the short term perhaps, it speaks well that TP and Co. nipped the unrest in the bud. Would have been far worse to let it fester out of some misguided loyalty to a great player and person that we all love. GO SABRES!!!
  6. Except that Murray reported this on Wednesday. GO SABRES!!!
  7. What do you make of Hamilton's report that Teddy has been offered a 3 year extension. This on the heels of Murray saying they were gonna do just that the other day and that Murray thinks Nolan is the right coach for the team at this time. GO SABRES!!!
  8. He gave us an outline to the story, perhaps. I hope the real digging is ongoing. GO SABRES!!!
  9. The lack of local coverage is disappointing. That said, there may not be much being offered up at the moment. Sabres will spin of course, but where's the counterbalance through good old-fashioned gum-show journalism? GO BILLS!!!
  10. When I see them listed like that, it really jumps out at you as to whom was the most expendable. GO SABRES!!!
  11. Yeah, in the short term, it looks embarrassing, but if Patty ends up as the guy who hired the guy that leads us to the promised land, it won't matter at all. And if Murray craps the bed, it won't look much like anything anyway. GO SABRES!!!
  12. I hope Ted stays for those three years. He doesn't strike me as a great X & O tactician, but he's damned good at getting players to skate through walls for him. Just what a young team needs as it matures. GO SABRES!!!
  13. Well, we don't know if the squabble WAS petty. Nolan may very well end up leaving on his own accord, but it sure sounded like Murray was in his corner regarding working on an extension, his work with young players, etc. so I don't think Teddy was the core issue. I think it's about personnel moves and if Patty wasn't on board with them, it's anything BUT a petty squabble. Indeed, it's about the very rebuilding of the organization; a job Patty entrusted to the man he hired. Reflects very well on TM in that regard. GO SABRES!!!
  14. I'm interested to see if Patrick stays on board as a result. I really don't think this is the end of the world though. Patty, being an HOFer with a keen player's perspective, may not have the stomach for the hard, emotionally detached decisions that often have to be made in pro sports. Fortunately, TM isn't bothered by those attachments. Just what we need, imo. GO SABRES!!!
  15. I'm guessing the power struggle was over the upcoming personnel moves and the release of Teddy after the season. It was imperative that TM win this struggle. We cannot afford to have a neutered GM, especially at this time. GO SABRES!!!
  16. This. And I hope TP and TB recognize it for what it is. GO SABRES!!!
  17. I agree with this. Most of the great players in sports that have tried their hand at the front office side of things generally make bad execs. Seems the greater they were as players, the less success they have when trying to run operations. Competitive fire coupled with being accustomed to success through their individual efforts, isn't always a good mix for those types of jobs where consensus building is key. GO SABRES!!!
  18. Aren't they coached by Roman Maroni? Fargin' corksorkers! GO SABRES!!!
  19. Agree here. He's a Murray kind of player on the blue line. And Myers may be on the verge of becoming that generational D-man we've seen glimpses of. GO BO
  20. Sounds like Myers is filling a leadership void. GO SABRES!!!
  21. Thanks for taking the time to capture what I'm sure many of us feel as fans of Ryan MIller. I know it's probably asking too much in today's jaded world, but it would be nice to hear chants of "Thank-you Miller" like back in '75 with the "Thank-you Sabres" chants in the Aud. GO SABRES!!!
  22. Help me out here. Why am I supposed to like O'Reilly so much? GO SABRES!!!
  23. This is a great point. TM has the luxury of the total lack of constraints a last place club provides. DR was always walking that thin line. GO SABRES!!!
  24. Two words: hockey clinic. Tip of the hat to Price, but even Miller and shorty Enroth could have pitched back to back SOs with that squad in front of him. Just an awesome display of hockey by the Canadian team. Well done, Canada. Congratulations. GO SABRES!!! At 43 years of age. Amazing how he can still bring it. GO SABRES!!!
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