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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Good point about corruption having always existed, but conditions created in our lifetime along with bad rulings by judges have helped pave the way for the rampant corruption we have now. While the Trump adoration is mind boggling, it doesn’t surprise me in the least. As I alluded to previously, laws passed by conservatives laid the foundation for it. It was predictable.
  2. The founders, brilliant as they were, simply could not conceive of today’s society and the technology that persuades it. Nor could they conceive of the blatant partisanship and graft that resides in several seats on our highest court their and their puppet masters who persuade them. Now the right wingers never like it when I say this, but the seeds for this corruption were planted in the 80s when conservatives saw fit to repeal the Fairness Doctrine which paved the way for media ownership laws to be radically changed. Now I can go on for days about why these laws were put in place and why they should be reinstated, especially the Fairness Doctrine, but suffice to say Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy wouldn’t have been able to succeed without the total control of the radio waves they used on a 24/7 basis, to broadcast their propaganda to the masses. Over and over and over again. Once people are in these bubbles, it’s nearly impossible to get out.
  3. You’re not alone. But since he’s not running as the sitting president this time, he won’t have the same mechanisms available to him this time around on the federal level and in states where certain legislators have attempted to enact changes in their certification laws, those have been challenged and defeated in the courts, like Georgia for example. When he loses, I fully expect another 60+ challenges in the courts and I expect he won’t win any of those just like last time. And there won’t be any rallies on the Ellipse and marches to the Capitol or an attack on it like last time. I’m amazed at how little some people know about the vote counting process and yet we have these radical right wing media crazies continue to spew lies about it and shout “voter fraud!” at every turn. The simple truth is, as several REPUBLICANS in charge of voting in their districts have said, voter fraud is extremely hard to do and extremely EASY to spot. It simply doesn’t exist on any scale large enough to impact outcomes. Why? Because it’s extremely hard to do and extremely easy to spot. Election officials and election workers just aren't the incompetent partisan hacks that right wing conspiracists think they are.
  4. Well, I was all set to say I wasn’t too upset with their game tonight and that they’d win a lot of games playing like they did. But now, I just can’t because they wilted and fell apart. Panthers are a great team and we simply aren’t anywhere near their level.
  5. I doubt Johnson will have the votes in the House.
  6. Well, I hope you didn’t strain yourself.
  7. Good. I welcome him to the fray because it will be nice to kick their ***** with their best lineup.
  8. Proud to be a stute. The world needs more stutes.
  9. The play that made the Hail Mary possible was the play before that. The Bears simply conceded the out pattern with no defender within 20 yards of the receiver. Just a complete brain fart by the Bears coaches.
  10. All government contracts with Musk businesses should be terminated immediately. Full stop. That fascist puke doesn’t deserve another penny of our tax dollars.
  11. I truly appreciate your optimism about this current group. But again, we’ve seen and heard this story early in the season on several previous occasions. Needing to see more before I pronounce them a playoff contender doesn’t make me a pessimist. I like the way they’re trending as I have in the past, but I’ll let you know in January what kind of team I truly think we have.
  12. Everybody loves a winning streak. How about that 2018-2019 squad that put together a 10 game winning streak in November? Did you think they were a good team; our best since 2011? Did you have them making the playoffs? Point is, we’ve seen these early season successes before. And they haven’t meant diddly is the grand scheme of things. Glad they’re winning a few lately, it’s fun, but I need far more convincing before I can say they’re a good team ready to contend for a playoff spot.
  13. Marty made a great point about faceoffs earlier in the season in a game where the Sabres were winning over 60% of their faceoffs, but zero percent in the O zone on the PP and zero percent in the D zone on the PK. He said faceoffs are important when they’re important and I can’t agree more.
  14. Right. Sometimes poor teams win games they had no right winning. Their goalie stole three games. Good teams just don’t get dominated to that degree over three consecutive games. Detroit is an average team at best.
  15. And were outshot 109-55 in those games. If not for Lyon standing on his head, they had no chance as they were completely and utterly dominated.
  16. Reverting to early season form.
  17. That took a weird bounce off of Dahlin’s back. Flukie.
  18. PP finally off the schneid!
  19. Just to be clear, I’m not worried about Savoie and who “won” the trade in the least. My point was that we shouldn’t compare veteran players who’ve been around the league for several years with prospects fresh out of juniors still looking to make their mark in the A while waiting for their shot in the show.
  20. I politely refuse to answer because either answer involves a level of discomfort.
  21. I don’t think we can properly evaluate the trade until Savoie becomes a full time NHL player. He’s doing OK currently in the A, so I’m guessing next year is when he makes the jump.
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