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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Glad you see it as half filled because I had you pegged as a half empty kind of guy,
  2. Amerks overcome 3-1 deficit in the 2nd to win 6-3 going away. Nice.
  3. Please tell me youā€™re familiar with the hockey comedy ā€˜Shoresy.ā€™
  4. "It's f*ckin hockey! You go til you can't go no more!" - Shoresey
  5. No, I donā€™t think evaluations and net worth means Terry just has money lying around. I just disagree with your assertion that he needs every penny he has for his ā€œprimary franchiseā€ when heā€™s never come close to that at all.
  6. Just to be clear, I never implied that the Sabres did need every penny he has. My response was to Sidc3000 who said that Pegulaā€™s primary franchise needed every penny he has. Neither team does obviously and itā€™s not even close. Never has been.
  7. His ā€œprimary franchiseā€ never came close to needing every penny he has. The Bills donā€™t lose money and theyā€™ve quadrupled in value since he plunked down $1.4b but in 2014 to buy them. I think he just doesnā€™t wanna spend more than he has to on a business thatā€™s losing money like the Sabres.
  8. Actually, no. Camera footage has caught bears pooping in the road or on a footpath and then sneakily brushing it into the woods so people actually think thatā€™s where they poop.
  9. Witness tampering. Yeah right. Every witness was a republican and now, NOW, they claim tampering? Meanwhile the rest of the country goes to crap as Cheeto man and his fascist loyalists ignore the big picture as they seek retribution against those who actually have respect for our Constitution and the rule of law. Banana republic time again.
  10. That would make them look like even bigger delicate waifs than they are already.
  11. He may have already.
  12. Pegula was right that the solution is in the room but the problem is that the solution isnā€™t on the ice.
  13. I donā€™t condone dunking on fans of other teams, but the Ravens fans brought it all upon themselves with their preposterous assertions. As if Lamarā€™s feat is somehow superior because it occurred during a regular season game. But the insecurity of both fan bases is stupid.
  14. ā€œIn a gameā€ certainly does not denote that at all. Joshā€™s numbers were certainly amassed ā€œin a gameā€ so perhaps the Ravens should have put an asterisk in their article. But itā€™s fun to see Ravens fans equivocate like itā€™s going out of style.
  15. The St. Louis Blues were dead last in league standings on January 2, 2019. They went on to win the cup months later. Brace yourselves for the epic run we are about to take.
  16. Canā€™t be a satellite in a LEO constellation given the minimum altitude of approximately 180 miles or so and I'm not aware of any company currently operating a system that low. When I was with Orbcomm in another life nearly 30 years ago, our planned altitude for our constellation was something like 815 kilometers.
  17. Collectively, this may be the most lacking in hockey sense Sabres team Iā€™ve witnessed since their inception. Just one boneheaded play after another. I want to attribute that mostly to lack of poise because they often donā€™t take that extra beat to make the smarter play. I hope itā€™s that because poise they can acquire over time, but you canā€™t fix stupid.
  18. One Bills source said the equity shares they just sold were based on a valuation of $4.5b while another Bills source said it was based on a $5.8b valuation so the Pegulas just realized a cash infusion of somewhere between $900m and $1.1b for theose equity shares they just sold. I think itā€™s safe to say they donā€™t need any help in defraying the cost overruns for the new stadium construction.
  19. Dawk in the crowd is the best part of this otherwise forgettable game.
  20. No. And especially on his off half-wall.
  21. Heā€™s bad most nights. He was never more than a 6/7 defenseman. On a good night.
  22. Sorry I attempted any humor to lighten the mood. Iā€™ll remember that next time I reply to your posts. Oh, and I used a different laughing face which conveys a more light-hearted response. But YMMV, so itā€™s all good. I think three of our last four games were against teams that were struggling at the time and we proved the perfect tonic for what ailed them.
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