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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Birthright citizenship is guaranteed in the Constitution. How is it that a president of the USA cannot know this or not have advisers that should know it for him? Unbelievable, but very concerning as it dovetails with my previous topic on how Hitler overturned Germany’s democracy in 53 days. Trump and his henchmen are wasting little time in their efforts to chip away at the very foundation that holds our freedoms together. A shameful moment in what I predict will be years of shameful moments for this fascist administration.
  2. Nope. And it’s been decades. Probably should have done it years ago. Guess I’m a glutton for punishment.
  3. So glad I decided to watch Gilligan’s Island. The professor just made a small nuclear device out of a coconut.
  4. Well that truly sucks for the great Bball fans in the Emerald City. It just ain’t right.
  5. No banner for the ‘79 Supersonics?
  6. This appeared in The Atlantic, but it’s behind a paywall. However news outlets have reported on it and I’ve heard it’s making the rounds on subreddits. I’m linking the MSN article. I think it’s pertinent given who is being sworn in today, Project 2025, and the people he’s chosen for positions in his administration. To anyone who thinks that could never happen here, think again. Democracies die when we go to sleep and take it for granted. I submit that’s where we are currently. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/historian-reveals-how-hitler-dismantled-democracy-in-less-than-two-months/ar-AA1xbNBe# EDIT: Just noticed I misspelled the author’s name in the topic. It’s Ryback as opposed to Ruback. Apologies to the forum.
  7. Hmm, do I watch the Sabres or a Gilligan’s Island re-run? As if there’s a real choice to be made. Gilligan it is! Although I think the Sabres will be on their own version of a three hour cruise.
  8. Man, the A schedule can sure be a grind at times. Three games in three nights for the Amerks today, topping off with a trip to face the Bears in Hershey. They’re gonna sleep well tonight.
  9. Well at least it wasn’t over by Thanksgiving. Baby steps.
  10. He may not be the problem, but nor is he part of the solution to fill the huge need for a starting goalie.
  11. Like most mediocre goalies, Oopie is capable of a hot game and even a hot stretch of games before he comes crashing back to earth. He simply doesn’t make the key saves at the critical moments often enough. Support or no support, being able to do that consistently is the mark of a good starting goalie. I think he’s not much more than a decent backup who can give you 25-30 games in a season. Among several other things, we need a legit starting caliber goalie.
  12. Yep. He sucks just like the rest of these losers.
  13. A still image is as close as I could get.
  14. In addition to the anti-American examples I’ve listed previously, I’ll add a few more off the top of my head to further illustrate the point: separating families at the border, banning visitors from Muslim countries, banning books, denying VA health care to trans veterans, eliminating black history curriculums in schools, marginalizing immigrants, LGBTQ, and other minorities. Loyalty oaths as a condition for government employment. These are all self-evident anti American ideals imo. Yes, everyone has different ideas about what it is to be an American, so I can’t do anything but list specific incidents by the GOP that are contrary to the basic ideals of individual rights and freedoms. If you’re waiting for me to outline what that means to you, don’t waste your time. Perhaps it would be better for me to understand your equivalency to democrats if you provided a list of incidents by them. I’ve always thought that individual freedom was something we could all agree on in this country.
  15. Conspiring to disenfranchise 82 million voters in 2020, enlisting fake electors in swing states, and fomenting an insurrection are just a few of the more glaring examples. Or how about Mike Lee, GOP Senator from Utah, flat out stating in a Senate hearing that in the United States of America, “Democracy is not the goal, freedom is.” “Anti American” is less definitive than it is obvious when you see it and hear it.
  16. Lack of poise and the fear of making a mistake which prevents them from being more aggressive on the puck. Oh, and we can’t win D zone faceoffs to save our lives.
  17. Sorry, but I will never buy into the false equivalency arguments about the Democrats “being just as bad.” When it comes to corruption and anti-American ideology, Republicans stand alone.
  18. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2025/01/15/trump-newsom-california-fire-aid/ https://www.npr.org/2025/01/15/nx-s1-5259669/california-wildfires-aid-republicans https://www.politico.com/news/2025/01/13/house-republicans-trump-wildfire-aid-00197766 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2025/01/13/house-speaker-mike-johnson-california-wildfire-aid/77681997007/ Lots of other reports out there. Of course, right wing outlets won’t report it so their lemmings remain as ignorant as ever of the facts. But right wing media has no problem reporting lies, like how LA has run out of water because the dems totally mismanaged that resource when all the reservoirs are full. And yeah, the Biden administration wasted no time sh*t canning that FEMA employee in NC. Even still, that is one lowly employee of one government agency as compared to the president elect, the speaker of the house, and other prominent gop congressmen publicly advocating placing conditions on federal disaster relief aid. Disaster relief has ALWAYS been a bi-partisan accommodation; never a question. Until now. Shame on these GOP pukes.
  19. I wonder how long it will take for their sphincters to relax. I’m guessing a while with a lengthy hot soak in the jet pools. Hopefully it won’t require “tools of intervention.”
  20. I guess every McLeod has a silver lining then.
  21. I won’t get into the lies and misinformation their rhetoric is loaded with because that is nothing new in the least, but this would set a terrible precedent as we simply cannot threaten to cut off disaster relief aid in order to force policy changes and/or retaliate against blue/red states because of political differences. Simple as that. What’s next, Dems refusing to send aid to Florida and other red states for hurricane, tornado, or flood damages?
  22. They always seem to play exactly like their coach played the game and if they don’t, they don’t last long in his lineup.
  23. Not nearly as exhausting and sad as the decades of money, time, and emotional investment I’ve spent on this team. I can’t recoup the tens of thousands of dollars in season tickets over the decades or get back that time. I’m grateful for the thrills along the way and the great players we’ve seen over the years, but no more. This organization has done everything possible to drive away a fan who’s been there since Punch spun the wheel and they’ve succeeded spectacularly.
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