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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Some jackass used my number and I’ve been getting calls all morning about a property in Florida that I don’t own.
  2. Yes. Just driving home, the people crossing the street or jogging or walking their dog,... they're all getting uglier.
  3. Is it just me, or is everyone’s NPCs getting uglier in their simulations?
  4. It’s a gorgeous Buffalo summer morning, here in New Jersey, today. 68 degrees, no humidity, sunny, with a light breeze,… perfect. Its been a long time since I have actually felt cool (from a temperature standpoint, of course😂) sitting outside.
  5. This is fantastic. I've never heard of this. Our neighbor just dropped off a cucumber in a bag of veggies from their garden.
  6. Hurricanes in the desert. Even wilder.
  7. No words.
  8. It really isn't.
  9. I think there is a club on this site for just these posts. Ugh.
  10. I do not, nor have I ever cared about taxes. They just don't matter. I find people who whinge and moan about taxes annoying and a waste of my time. We have never heard of a player say he chose to not go to the Rangers because he had to pay city tax as well as a higher state tax, ever.
  11. I'm really glad I don't care about the stadium, as I will most likely never set foot in an NFL stadium ever again.
  12. Yes. So it’s only half the games you are getting that tax break on. But WGAF anyway. How many NHL players are actually motivated by money? I doubt it’s many.
  13. Montreal, Vancouver, Minnesota, Seattle, Chicago. Citing taxes is hilarious to me.
  14. I get the exercise, but as a mid level player, I wouldn’t have I no trade list. I’d thank my lucky stars to even be in the NHL and play anywhere for as long as they would have me. But I hate golf and the summer, so every team below the Mason-Dixon Line (hell, maybe even below Rte 90) would be on my list except for San Jose.
  15. Not too sure about that.
  16. Is that drunken Scottsman?
  17. Just bought an electric assist bike. Can't wait to get it. I would have just bough a regular bike, but I plan on commuting with it. My house is at 39' and the trip ends with just under a 400' climb. It's going to be nice not to show up a sweaty mess.
  18. That sucks. There but for the grace of God go I. Think I'll go give my wife a hug.
  19. Imagine if he wasn't injured during most of what would have been his prime.
  20. Shouldn’t it be “I have ever met,” or “I’ve ever met”? What he wrote sounds wrong to me.
  21. All other discussion aside, for having 30 years in journalism, you would think his grammar would be better. I really hope all that Bruins "downfall" talk comes true.
  22. Hate to break it to you, but small businesses are booming. Setting records, actually. And I saw something out over the ocean one time that I can't explain. We were near an Air Force base, though.
  23. Oh, those pesky poor. They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, don't they? If I would have written a manifesto like this arguing the opposite, I'm pretty sure I would have been warned to move it to the club. And a thumbs up, to boot. Good stuff. Back to the topic. Does anyone here think they have ever seen a UFO?
  24. Nope. I don't talk about myself in the third person.
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