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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Three episodes in and so far, Bupkis is F'n funny.
  2. TIL. And I guess being in Australia, it was most likely a possum. I humbly retract my JFC.
  3. JFC. It's opossum. Gotta love The Post.
  4. Isn't this somewhat old news? I remember something about this when the NFL was trying to figure out the whole stupid anthem stuff. And Pegula was singled out specifically.
  5. Always a fan of the no move move.
  6. Wow. Rogers, done. Torn Achilles
  7. This is ridiculous. It was 13-13 into overtime. The problem was not the D. Josh was not good tonight, period. EDIT: or 16-16
  8. That was a pretty fun game. I think I actually felt something. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
  9. Bills/Jets early in the year always seem to be one score games. I’ll be surprised if it isn’t tonight.
  10. dudacek, what is your vote? I think it's going to happen only because I am all in on Levi. ... and F the hockey gods.
  11. Me, too. Great word, though, and hilarious in this context. yes.
  12. So, it’s the Winter Soldier guy, then. 😂
  13. I bet they’ve been close the entire time.
  14. Yep. And for that I am grateful.
  15. You don’t have to click on it.
  16. I have watched every local game for the past 5+ years using Airplay via an iPod Touch.
  17. People always say this as a pejorative (not sure if you are), but is that really a bad thing and isn't that one of the reasons we like it? I know I do. I hope it's always a boutique sport,... at least then I can afford the tickets.
  18. And will for a long time.
  19. I went kayaking on Friday. Coincidentally, I woke up on Sunday morning having a nightmare of this very scenario, only, once I pushed the barb through from the other side,... there was a second even larger barb to get past. Thankfully, that's when I woke up.😂
  20. This.
  21. Where’s that damn “how many days until the season starts” thread?!?!!
  22. Today is the Matt Ellis of waiting for the season to start.
  23. I’d like to see this line.
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