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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Yeah, but the Sabres are just now getting NHL level guys after a decade and there are quite a few bad teams. It’s as thinned out as I would ever want to see it. The NHL could expand in the past because there were new talent pools that opened up. Are there any left? Maybe if China had this huge league that we didn’t know about and we could Mogilny someone from it. Otherwise, I just don’t see it.
  2. I think that would be awful. I want AHL players playing in the AHL.
  3. Yeah, the more I think about that quote, the more blockheaded it becomes, as if civil rights are only an African American issue. If anything, when you think about who was stirring that sh!tpot at the time, the spokespeople should have been the owners themselves. An AA spokesperson would fall on deaf ears for those who were making this an issue.
  4. So you are one of the others, then. I didn’t just make it up and there is no way I’m going digging for them. During the owners meeting at the time of the whole anthem BS. Good luck finding anything now. I’m sure the NFL big brother machine has scrubbed it.
  5. They did. At the time, it was pointed out how bad TP's statement was. I remember the reports. Others do, too. Is it worthy of money changing hands, due to a civil suit?,… I don't know, and what's more, I don't really care. I am sure, though, that it happened. You're not. I am sure that I also don't care about that.
  6. As to the thread, Good lord, please get here soon. I just don't care about the NFL and I need summer to be officially over.
  7. John, you are showing your colors, and I can respect that. This is definitely not hipster stuff. They were once in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the loudest rock band ever. That's some legacy.
  8. Except that we heard reports about how bad he looked right after it happened. We wouldn't have heard those reports if he had said otherwise. Just my take.
  9. Even if he said it, I don't think Terry is a racist, at least, not in the traditional sense. I just think he is kind of a blockhead when speaking in public and let slip what generation he is from.
  10. I read it all. Nice work, Expat. I think that Terry actually had a pretty good grasp of the situation. As someone else already pointed out, if he had just said that they should go to "some other country" instead of "back to Africa," we wouldn't even be hearing about this. The fact that we are hearing about this tells me that he most likely said it.
  11. Do you want them to die?
  12. It's like an eclipse just ended. I'll say it again, back when this was all going down, it was reported that TP came away from those meetings looking very bad. I think it's funny that now that we might know why, some are saying it didn't even happen. I believe he said something stupid. It may not have been what Trotter said he said, in fact, I don't believe it was, but at this point, I wouldn't be surprised by anything. And I'll guarantee that we will never find out what was actually said.
  13. Three episodes in and so far, Bupkis is F'n funny.
  14. TIL. And I guess being in Australia, it was most likely a possum. I humbly retract my JFC.
  15. JFC. It's opossum. Gotta love The Post.
  16. Isn't this somewhat old news? I remember something about this when the NFL was trying to figure out the whole stupid anthem stuff. And Pegula was singled out specifically.
  17. Always a fan of the no move move.
  18. Wow. Rogers, done. Torn Achilles
  19. This is ridiculous. It was 13-13 into overtime. The problem was not the D. Josh was not good tonight, period. EDIT: or 16-16
  20. That was a pretty fun game. I think I actually felt something. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
  21. Bills/Jets early in the year always seem to be one score games. I’ll be surprised if it isn’t tonight.
  22. dudacek, what is your vote? I think it's going to happen only because I am all in on Levi. ... and F the hockey gods.
  23. Me, too. Great word, though, and hilarious in this context. yes.
  24. So, it’s the Winter Soldier guy, then. 😂
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