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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Random thought of the day - the Marvel universe movies are just Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a budget.
  2. Good point. It was the Caps broadcast. It will be interesting to see if ESPN+ carries the Columbus games. Not sure if they have a RSN.
  3. I’m watching with my coffee and came here to say just this. It’s tough to listen to. My guess is that it’s because ESPN is NE based,… and they know we’ll watch. Doesn’t matter where the game is, it’s Boston’s broadcast.
  4. I need more info. How'd the team end up doing that year?
  5. Yes. Them, as well.
  6. Wuh? That is suspendable and fine-able?!?! JFC Boy, today’s athletes are a bunch of pampered prima donnas. And I’m sure their parents are even worse.
  7. Yep. The slippery slope argument never isn’t lame.
  8. No thanks. Then you would get all that stick work after the whistle, that you see in the Euro leagues. Even though I really like the current OT, what if when you take the puck out of the offensive zone to regroup, you can only go to your blue line? If you take it all the way back into your zone, it’s a face off there? Sort of like an over and back violation in basketball. I think that would create a lot more turnovers.
  9. I couldn’t watch the Bills today. I didn’t miss it. It was a good day. Did they win?
  10. SwampD

    6357 Days

    I was going to go with Brilliant. Welcome back. Were you always in South Carolina or is that new?
  11. Not sure I can do it, so I’m going to just bow out now. If it’s getting close and you’re stuck at an odd number and need someone, though, I could be convinced.
  12. Two questions: 1. Should I know what you are talking about? 2. Do I want to?
  13. Did they get rid of the trapezoid, or is that just because the rink is used for other leagues?
  14. Sorry, I'm having a hard time believing that a Black spokesperson would have been more powerful than a white owner coming out and saying that they supported the message that Kaepernick was trying to convey. Instead, they blackballed him. They sent the exact message they wanted.
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