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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Nice F-bomb caught on O'Reilly's goal in the Preds/Lightening game. Love it.
  2. What does “be a wagon” mean?
  3. It’s been nice to have that din in the background for the past week or so, but hockey hasn’t started yet.
  4. Hopefully you’ll get some yuks out if it as well.
  5. My wife wrote a book. It’s really good. It’s called Girl Storm by Peg Kerswell. Here’s the link. https://a.co/d/8FwEMLf Tell your friends.
  6. My complaint, sweatpants in public.
  7. Does that mean it is Kosher? I don't drink soda (sorry, pop) all that much, but in the tri-stat area (probably elswhere, too), around the Jewish high holy days, the Coke with yellow caps is cane sugar, because HFCS isn't Kosher. I always buy that if I can find it. It absolutely tastes better.
  8. I'm jealous,... or jelly, as the kids say.
  9. My dad was from Niagara Falls.
  10. All diet products suck.
  11. Interesting. Are they any good? I love Johnny Ryan.
  12. I think someone said you just change the "x" in the address to "twitter".
  13. Not sure it will work. But I'll watch. Also, What's a pod?
  14. Beautiful Mount Airy Lodge? Make sure you scrub the tub before you use it.
  15.  If anyone is in the north Jersey area, I want to invite you to my band’s live concert video shoot at Alpha Wave Studios in Whippany NJ on Sunday Oct 8. Doors open at 6:30 PM. We’ll go on around 7. We are renting the studios so it’s ours for the evening and free of charge. It’s byob so bring coolers! Bring guests! Should be a good time. We are going to play for an hour. Hope you can come! Sunday Oct 8. 6:30 PM Before The Calm Alpha Wave Studios 9 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981 Here are some links to our music: Did I mention it's free? And the Bills play at 9:30 AM (complete serendipity), so you will have plenty of time to sober up and get there. Hope to see you there. Should be a good time. Sent from my iPhone
  16. What I think you meant to say, about these last twelve years, is that no team has had a lower low in the history of the league.
  17. So, we're Jets fans tonight,… right?
  18. It’s hockey, not football. It’s about flow and timing and chemistry. Plus, there’s being in practice/shinny shape, then there’s game shape. They have to play.
  19. Just saw that.🤟🏻🤟🏻 October 27th.
  20. That is a very interesting take.
  21. Jennie on the balcony.
  22. I think it's fantastic. Satire at it's finest. I'm so tired of seeing places just add Frank's and blue cheese to something and calling it Buffalo this, or Buffalo that.
  23. First thing that came to my mind. I'm sure there will be others.
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