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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I am concerned about neither. I think Levi will be solid and the D will surprise.
  2. Yes!!! Hey, welcome back.
  3. He'll make it happen, as well. Never saw him play before. He looks pretty good. 18,… Jeebus.
  4. It's not like who we root for has anything to do with the actual outcome of the game, anyway. I would prefer that Pitt loses as well, but screw Chicago.
  5. Same with Tampa.
  6. That was pretty cool.
  7. More importantly, our young guys need to learn to use the refs. If I see one stick come near a Sabre's face and they don't snap their head back like they've been b***h slapped, I'm going to scream. Skinner is the only one who know how to actually draw a penalty.
  8. NHL officiating comes out of the gate hot. A Pred gets held back right in front of the ref and can't retrieve a puck. Seconds later, a phantom high stick. Gonna be a good year.
  9. I think this is a great deal for all.
  10. Nice F-bomb caught on O'Reilly's goal in the Preds/Lightening game. Love it.
  11. What does “be a wagon” mean?
  12. It’s been nice to have that din in the background for the past week or so, but hockey hasn’t started yet.
  13. Hopefully you’ll get some yuks out if it as well.
  14. My wife wrote a book. It’s really good. It’s called Girl Storm by Peg Kerswell. Here’s the link. https://a.co/d/8FwEMLf Tell your friends.
  15. My complaint, sweatpants in public.
  16. Does that mean it is Kosher? I don't drink soda (sorry, pop) all that much, but in the tri-stat area (probably elswhere, too), around the Jewish high holy days, the Coke with yellow caps is cane sugar, because HFCS isn't Kosher. I always buy that if I can find it. It absolutely tastes better.
  17. I'm jealous,... or jelly, as the kids say.
  18. My dad was from Niagara Falls.
  19. All diet products suck.
  20. Interesting. Are they any good? I love Johnny Ryan.
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