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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Like last game, the refs are getting ready for the postseason, too. I like it.
  2. No. They it’s just that they lost the one they did have.
  3. Totally appropriate!!!😂 They may still win, but right now, I can’t stop laughing at these turds.
  4. Starting in 1997, the guitar player in my band has not missed an eclipse on the entire planet. He’s in Cabo right now and is getting on a ship to go hundreds of miles out to sea to see it. He goes with a big group and one time the chartered two planes, left from Argentina and flew over the southern ocean along with it to extend their viewing. Pretty cool,… if a little kooky.
  5. Hope you are already there. The roads from here are going to be awful.
  6. I like to think back, before science, before we know what we know now. Can you imagine the anxiety and chaos that would happen if there was an earthquake, and then three days later the sun was blackened out? I’m sure there are people, still, that believe the gods are pissed. I’m not sure that I don’t even believe that.
  7. If this happened with any other team other than the Rags or the Bruins the league would have it’s panties in such a twist. I ***** hate the rangers, mostly their fans. I really hope they get knocked out of the playoffs early.
  8. Depends on the kind of clouds, I guess. If they’re lake effect clouds, maybe. If they are part of a larger system, though, you’re screwed.
  9. Actually, I’d probably go to Gratiot Point to see it.
  10. Why would you go to Buffalo? Aren’t you getting a total eclipse where you are located? I would not want to be on any roads anywhere near Buffalo for this. Just find a nice quiet hay field on some back road (even just the shoulder of the road) or any school soccer field anywhere around there. That’s what I would do.
  11. I was not being dismissive. I totally agree with you and you totally missed my point. My point was that even though you might not get to see it directly because of cloud cover, the experience of being there will still be completely worth it. I wish I could be there.
  12. I think I feel the exact opposite is true.😂 I think the type of shot matters as well.
  13. It would be a very short draft special on TSN. No team is competing with another team to try and acquire these guys. Vesey turned out to be a serviceable NHLer, but that is hardly high praise, and there are plenty of those guys out there.
  14. Do people really not go outside because it’s cold or raining? There is no bad weather, just bad gear. Of course, if the reason you are going out is to see the sun, it might be an issue. 😂 But K-9 is right, although you might not see it directly, at this point, does anyone really not know what a total eclipse looks like? It will still be kinda nuts to be outside in total darkness during the day. Wish I was going to be there.
  15. But I vacuum righty.
  16. I agree. You have to remember that when we talk about the Sabres around here, we are talking about their ”potential” talent, not their actual talent.
  17. I disagree and always find it weird that so many right handed people shoot right. A lot of hockey is played with only one hand on the stick. Why would you use your non-dominant hand for that?
  18. Next year is next year. Unless they get in, these wins will mean nothing. They are fun to watch, though.
  19. Dude. Absolutely! We just had another one around 6pm. Only a 4.0 and much shorter. The earlier one was much longer and getting unnerving. All the neighbors came out and were standing in their doorways. Pretty wild.
  20. Just had an earthquake here. F’n cool. 4.7 near Whitehouse station NJ. edit:updated to 4.8
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