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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I’m glad they are working all these kinks out during preseason.
  2. WTF is this??!!!?!! No!! It’s not OK! Am I really depriving those huge preseason advertising dollars from the Rangers or Devils or Islanders? Give me a ***** break!
  3. Am I the only one who think the NFL hats this year look like they were designed by some guy at a local marina? Al Czervik’s hat was better.
  4. I can’t believe that Benson is only 19. The Sabres’ pushback was really nice to see. I still want more from Cozens. That was fun.
  5. "I applied for immortality and they didn't give it to me" 😂
  6. A week ago, when you wrote this, I didn't believe this. Today, I believe it.
  7. I think everyone should take lots of screen shots in the coming months. The last election, I remember thinking that there was a lot of really weird ***** going on and websites that I can no longer find. I truly believe that we were under attack last election, by who, I can't say. But I plan on taking screenshots of anything that just feels off. I really think everyone should.
  8. Found it. All I had to do was look for it before asking. Funny how that works. 😂
  9. What a ***** idiot! He should go to jail for a long time, drunk or not. With that said, I agree with what someone said upthread (at least it used to be upthread. It may have been moved.) It's a roll of the dice without lights. [EDIT: Maybe they just said its a roll of the dice (or something to that effect) and then someone else mentioned lights. Doesn't matter.] I live in one of the most populated counties in the country and I can't believe how many bikers do not use lights. I use five. In front, one steady so that I can see the road at night, one blinking so that others can see me any time of day, in the rear, one blinking on my helmet, one blinking on the frame, and the steady/break light. I also spent an extra $200 for the paint job where the entire bike is a reflector. And I'm thing of buying more lights. My head has been even more on a swivel since this incident.
  10. Not as bad as a Mass car or even worse, a Maryland car.
  11. Unless two is blocking the flow of traffic. At least in NJ.
  12. As much fun as the game was today, I really miss hockey.
  13. After twenty million, it’s just dick swingin’ anyway.
  14. I think it was the initial punch to the face that made him call the penalty. The rest was clean. But you can’t hit a QB in the face, ever. Thank god for Josh. If we didn’t have him, it’s 1st and goal from the 2 with 30 seconds left.😂
  15. This post is for nfreeman. 😂 Today, the refs decided they were going to let the Bills win.
  16. Still waiting for the Bills to start their season.
  17. I wonder if I can place a bet on Fanduel for which stadium is going to have the biggest 🇺🇸.
  18. All the poor people are playing pickle ball.
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