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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Every good coach or player has been poo-pooed around here. 😂
  2. DG never cut ice time when players sucked.
  3. Sampson and Casey were both the leading scorers on the team when traded. WTF is wrong with this organ-eye-zation!!!??!?!? Long rebuilds mean job security. It’s crap.
  4. I am most definitely not one of those people. We desperately need a guy like him on the Sabres.
  5. 60s, overcast with scattered showers and 12mph winds doesn’t really scream, “hey, you should go for a paddle!”
  6. Just bought my NYS fishing license last night. The weather’s just been so crappy down here, it just doesn’t inspire one to head out into it. I know,… that’s a really lame excuse.
  7. I got cleared to drive on Tuesday. I just can’t get motivated to do anything. I’ve been sitting around, doing absolutely nothing for almost 4 weeks. I liked it better when I had the built in excuse that I was not allowed to drive.
  8. Uh,oh. Have you lost you’re love for the game?
  9. Go back to seeing backup goalies.
  10. John Denver is awesome. I just hate this ***** song. 😂
  11. So, the Sabres still have to pay what they agree to pay him, and thus, not free. Only the Devils will see a savings. There are enough actual reasons to be mad at the Sabres on their spending. No need to make them up (I’m not singling you out, Cranky, I’ve just seen this too many times to not have it clarified.)
  12. Is that really how it works?! Wow. Why wouldn’t he be getting 3 from Jersey and then whatever the Sabres are paying him on top of that? Doesn’t each team make their own deals?
  13. Oh, I know this one,… Matt Ellis.
  14. And people think he doesn’t back-check now.
  15. I haven’t given them any money since the Tank.
  16. Why is Ruff free?
  17. This is not a new phenomenon.
  18. With good reason. How many videos of Marchand (who I like) have we seen over the years “getting away with something”?… a lot! And that hit that “set the tone” of the last game, was way worse than the hit that got Aaron Rome suspended for the rest of the Stanley Cup finals. I love when they get beat with their own game.
  19. The gambler's fallacy.
  20. Watching the fans go up the escalators to the Dallas/Colorado game made me sad. I miss doing that at a Sabres game. They just don't deserve my money.
  21. Other than @PerreaultForever 😂
  22. Maybe that was why it was only one game.
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