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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Absolutely. That sky is intense.
  2. Is that your grab from a video or someone else’s.
  3. That is fake.
  4. It’s funny, cuz I hear their stats were, well, off the charts last year, too.
  5. You are missing the point. It’s not math.
  6. Just a point that needs to be made. It’s not math. Math comes up with formulas that are correct 100% of the time. This is applied math, and it’s wrong quite often.
  7. Cutting of your nose to spite your face.
  8. Oof.
  9. The day I ask a fancy stats guy for permission the be excited about my team, is the day I ask for Big Brother for permission to celebrate Oceania bombing Eurasia (cuz we've always been at war with Eurasia), and just put the bullet in me now. We're good. Our record is not a lie. I know we've been conditioned to not believe such things, but get used to it.
  10. That’s awesome.
  11. Nice. There is no chance of this. (Quickly knocks on every piece of wood available) Allan was not terrible. It ended great, but there were long stretches of that game that just gave us absolutely nothing to cheer for. 5-1, I’ll take it.
  12. The passing and puck movement is light years ahead of last year.
  13. Man I love the north. I saw the northern lights from this parking lot. https://www.google.com/maps/@60.4541915,-134.266765,3a,90y,83.03h,53.92t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNrtLvA-l5lcFNwcO3-VUFkdrUXk2ZimZ6EFlgn!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNrtLvA-l5lcFNwcO3-VUFkdrUXk2ZimZ6EFlgn%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi0-ya245.23737-ro-0-fo100!7i8704!8i4352?hl=en It was the last week of January and we just got done playing a shinny game. Everyone filed out of the 16'x16' warming hut (not seen here and the community center wasn't open yet) to look at them. Very cool moment and maybe one of my best vacations. Now that I think of it, I'd say 3 of my top 5 vacations were in or around Alaska.
  14. In an ideal world, this would be true. The frustrating thing for me is that the numbers don't tell us everything, because there are not numbers for every single aspect of the game. Then, those who rely so heavily on the numbers often only see what the numbers are telling them, ignoring all the other aspects of the game that there are no numbers for.
  15. Bump. This really appears to be a thing. It looks like he is trying to aim his shot at the target instead of just getting it through whatever space the defender is giving him.
  16. Who cares? We've been on the other side of a win like that more times than I can remember. We were the better team. 6-1-1 biotches!
  17. On a side note, Duff and Biron are a really good tandem.
  18. You know you are a good team when "you get completely outplayed" and still win in a shutout.
  19. That was awesome!!!!
  20. This is really funny.
  21. Isn't their actually a stats adjustment based on the score. We're up by 3. That changes things. This is fun.
  22. Okay. That left pad save was pretty nice.
  23. I see a goalie making saves. He's not standing on his head.
  24. So is LA. Only, they are failing.
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