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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Thanks. I searched "advice" and "skating" in titles only and came up with nothing.
  2. Do you really not think that that plays a part in the decision making of those who choose to send people in harms way. It wasn’t as bad. Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive or has an agenda. We don’t know what they had at their disposal. We don’t know what other factors there were for their inaction. And just so you know my feelings on Bush’s decision on Iraq. I thank my lucky stars I won’t ever have to make a decision like that. He was a sitting president under a brutal attack. He just didn’t want it to happen again under his watch, so he made sure if people were going to die, it would be soldiers and “not Americans.” I don’t say I agree with it, but at least I can understand it. Bush (both), Obama, Clinton (both), were probably all awful people, but in the end, I truly believe they cared more about America than themselves. Trump is garbage. He cares about one thing over all, Trump. His actions are unprecedented and it is a testament to our constitution that we have survived him this long. I’m not sure we will survive another 4 years of him.
  3. Kane with a beautiful shorty tonight.
  4. That somehow trying to equate the deaths of four Americans who knew what they were in for long before they even stepped onto the plane in the US knowing where they were going, to the invasion of Iraq, which resulted in the deaths of roughly 5000 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis including tens of thousands of civilians in air strikes, is the epitome of not having ones standards equal.
  5. Equating Benghazi to Iraq really drives that point home.
  6. Where’s the skating/hockey advice thread?
  7. Why did you need to change to time? Isn't the sun going down at the same time according to the timer?
  8. I would wear Ville’s stuff. I think it’s awesome. And I bet before RaKru, Risto felt that same “Jail.”
  9. Even Hasek disagrees with you. Otherwise, why would he demand a trade?
  10. Red herring. You take Hasek off the 00-01 team, they aren't getting 46 wins. It's your opinion, i respect it. I just disagree.
  11. You're missing the point. I'm saying that that 46 would have been 50+ if they had Peca. Not signing Peca also showed Hasek that management was not willing to do what was needed to ice a team he deserved in front of him causing him to want out. EDIT: and I don't think it's a coincedence that he was on another team that went to the SCFs and most likely would have won if Pronger wasn't Pronger.
  12. God I ***** hate Twitter. Trying to figure out what any of the nonsense meant is 15 minutes of my life that I’m not getting back.
  13. We go back to the cup if Peca is on the 00-01 team. It was the reason Hasek left, and we sucked until we came out of the lockout. Any way you slice it, it set us back.
  14. So you agree that it set us back 6 years, then.
  15. Our internet went out tonight, which means no TV or phone as well. The earliest they can come out is Tuesday between 10am to 8pm. If we are not there when they show up they said there will be an $80 charge. Riiiight! They can ***** right off!
  16. I can’t wait until we sweep the Lightning on this trip.
  17. Not sure if I agree with this. Peca was way more important to the success of that team than he was given credit for and it showed when he left.
  18. I had fun. A team tried to attack our only known weakness and failed, getting thumped 24-9 in the process. Buffalo fans are eventually going to have to learn how to enjoy wins.
  19. That’s a nice move.
  20. I love this topic. I hate starting late and do everything in my power to catch up to live. That said, I often watch games “dvred” and can get into them just as much. It doesn’t happen as often though.
  21. I passed.
  22. And still won 24-9. Jfc. Complain when we should complain. Today was great.
  23. I like being 6-2. We need receivers. WTF was Foster doing on that pass? He really isn’t good. Daboll still outthinks himself. I like Josh Allen.
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