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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. We don't have a single receiver who can create space.
  2. This is just a good idea.
  3. This is some bad football.
  4. Daboll is a ***** moron.
  5. Once again, it has been proven that it is legal to hit Josh Allen in the head.
  6. He better be setting up something for later cuz right now Daboll continues to look like a dufus.
  7. Hmm. Who knew it was a city. I knew it was a canal.
  8. Pretty fun TO/Philly game. Too bad it couldn't end in a tie.
  9. I'm still bought in. I love how other teams can have slumps, but when it's us, it's a reversion to who we "really" are. SM FN H. We've played 2 games in the past week and we're still in the upper tier of our conference. Win will win again. We will win often.
  10. I remember when the players first started looking young to me. Now it's the coaches. Ugh.
  11. F the Yankees. Teehee.
  12. Nothing was worthy of a call.
  13. Proving once again that refs are just awful and biased. Why did Clifford get the only penalty?
  14. Vi går, Buffalo! Måste vinna!
  15. Ya know, I always remember that we won a lot when he was in games. So I went back and looked. Here’s the team’s records when he played. 0607 16 8-4-4 0708 54 32-17-5 0809 45 23-16-6 0910 72 42-22-8 1011 14 11-1-2 1112 60 27-25-8 1213 6 3-2-1 1314 50 14-28-8 1415 39 9-25-5 356 169-140-47 That’s not too bad. And if you remove the Tank Years, the team’s record when he played was 267 146-87-24 I think we may need to rethink what Matt Ellis was. (and I may be bored cuz I’m sitting here with my hand in a cast, but there is no way I am going back and cross referencing the games in which he didn’t play to find out what their record was without him those years.)
  16. Kinda hard to argue with his point, though.
  17. I would bet that more Halloween candy gets eaten by adults, either eating out of their own bowl or eating other’s un-trick-or-treated candy that gets brought into work the next day, than by actual trick-or-treaters.
  18. Yep. I was just wondering if anyone else had gone through a search and found something they liked.
  19. Gabriel’s Gate,... nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.
  20. The action at the end saved it, but I hate the way it is shot. It looks like and old episode of SCTV.
  21. Season 2 of Jack Ryan is a shell of its former self. Cant do it. It even looks bad.
  22. I need them for far and close. They say that they put one for each in each eye and that your brain figures it out. Nope. It just made so I was angry trying to see at any distance,. Plus, you need the depth perception for sports. I need progressive sports goggles.
  23. I realized that I was enjoying playing hockey less and less, and it was mostly (totally?) because I just couldn't see anymore. I haven't played in a year because of it and it sux. I also can't wear contacts. Do any of you wear glasses when you play? If so, what kind? I really need to get some, and I don't care how ridiculous they look as long as they stay on and I can see.
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