Ya know, I always remember that we won a lot when he was in games. So I went back and looked.
Here’s the team’s records when he played.
0607 16 8-4-4
0708 54 32-17-5
0809 45 23-16-6
0910 72 42-22-8
1011 14 11-1-2
1112 60 27-25-8
1213 6 3-2-1
1314 50 14-28-8
1415 39 9-25-5
356 169-140-47
That’s not too bad. And if you remove the Tank Years, the team’s record when he played was
267 146-87-24
I think we may need to rethink what Matt Ellis was.
(and I may be bored cuz I’m sitting here with my hand in a cast, but there is no way I am going back and cross referencing the games in which he didn’t play to find out what their record was without him those years.)