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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. They will not go 3-11 in November.
  2. My buddy has a size 54 Eichel authentic anniversary jersey for sale. He’s just a lurker so I thought I would start the thread for him. Once he finds his password he will respond with some pics. PM me if interested.
  3. I know that Shift+Return gives me single on my iPad. See?!
  4. Henry Pendleton is a family friend. I sang next to him in church choir this spring when I went back to visit my folks. Still has pipes.
  5. Am I naive to assume that the league even bothered to reviewed that hit and determined that that was completely clean hit and did not deserved any supplemental punishment?
  6. I like your hockey talk, but we know you don’t like Sobotka and Risto. We know cuz you tell us every other post, sometimes in all caps. We get it.
  7. I want him gone just so we don’t have to hear your tired narrative anymore.
  8. Two guys he absolutely should not move.
  9. My brother just posted a solo where his is playing to a track at the Muzzio Drums showroom. Needless to say, he bought them.
  10. We have lots of talent. Sheary is really talented. He’s just not a physical enough player to show it because he’s too busy getting shoved around.
  11. Oh, and I would replace Sheary ten times before I replace Sabotka.
  12. I really don’t think he does.?
  13. Finally got to see this one as well. Vesey again making some nice plays. Dahlin does not look good. I like the idea of Montour, just not sure about the actual player yet. And him getting the only penalty during that scrum was ridiculous. Boy, the officiating was,... curious. They need to rewatch this game and learn from it because they were ***** terrible. Hutton was not good. Can’t score unless you hit the net. Yet another late period goal. Just a killer. Jack continues to look awful and not use his line mates. The one time he actually passed to someone 5v5 it ended up in their net. Outphysicalled yet again.
  14. Unless they know that there is something wrong with their kicker.
  15. It’s funny. If he doesn’t use the word “you,” and just says people, I bet nobody thinks it’s offensive (as it is barely offensive to begin with.)
  16. Oh, and we got excellent goaltending in this game.
  17. While I agree with #freejame, I changed my vote to yes, but with a caveat, only if they win.
  18. Almost forgot. D men should study Victor Hedman. He holds every time he is engaged with an opposing player and never gets called. It's pretty ingenious. He holds on to his stick but with his non dominant (lower) hand and the opposing player and it somehow doesn't look like he is holding,… I mean, at least to the refs, obviously.
  19. Finally got to watch this game as the 48 hour blackout is over. I really can't believe this is why everyone is on suicide watch. This was a way closer game than I would have thought reading all the bridge jumpers' post in this thread. My thoughts- Olafsson did a thing 5 on 5 but is still mostly invisible. Sheary is useless. Vesey is coming on. He needs to score soon. I believe that anyone who wants Risto traded just doesn't know hockey. I know that may offend some people. I don't care. It's what I believe. We lost for two reasons; we got out-physicalled (sorry, ink) in the first and that was the difference, and Jack played the worst game of hockey I have ever seen someone of his skill level play. That's it. Pretty good game though. Still a young season.
  20. I do know that in the past couple of years we have traded (or just plain let go) plenty of good players for non football or hockey reasons. You’re not go8ng to get good that way.
  21. Ironically enough, Josh Brown would be the third or fourth receiver on the Browns.
  22. And Hauschka(?) hasn't been right since the Jets cheapshotted him.
  23. It was an oddly entertaining game. Josh will be fine. Our coaches aren't as smart as they think they are. We need even just one real receiver. This is a recording. Can you imagine what the outcome of this game would have looked like if our receiving corps were swapped.
  24. Absolutely. Play for the touchdown and settle for the field goal. Gat Damn we need some actual receivers.
  25. That was not a forward pass and Cleveland covers. Yep.
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