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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. He looked like that when it was 0-0. JFC, there’s still over 10 ***** mutes left?!!
  2. So, when did jack get hurt? Do we only have 10 forwards and 7D on the bench?
  3. Thanks, it really is the song, though. I think you could play it on vuvuzelas and it would still be beautiful.
  4. I guess I was board one night 5 years ago.
  5. :47 - "You should know this though, cuz you do this all the time, describe offsides." Absolutely fantastic.
  6. We might beat them, but they’d still have more talent.
  7. Shopp needs to be shot into the sun. I know that analytics have shown that if you are going to lose, you may as well have it be decided sooner so that you can turn the game off, but have they actually shown that teams that pull their goalies earlier actually end up winning more than teams that don’t?
  8. They’re both really good. I liked watching them both tonight. I wish Eichel had the team behind him that Matthews has.
  9. When you only played NHL hockey in the third period, you deserve to lose.
  10. Here you go LTS I watched the game with my dad last night. It will most likely be the last time we watch a game together. He was put into a home in February of this year because my mom just couldn’t take care of him safely any longer. This week, they found Kennedy ulcers which means he could have as little as a few days left. My brother and I, along with my brother-in-law, took a bag of beers and a bottle of wine to his room and had an amazing time. Not sure if they had visiting hours. We didn’t care. During the game, interlaced in the bouts of dementia and quick, morphine induced naps, were some remarkably clear remembrances, smart quips that got us all laughing, and cheering on the team. The nurse on duty came in to check on him when she heard us shouting. They then scored a touchdown so, of course, I told her she had to stay for the rest of the game. She ended up coming back at the end of her shift at 11 and watched til the end. We found out that she went to high school with and knew my cousins in Syracuse and that my dad went to college with her music teacher. It was unbelievable, and yet not. How many times have we all made connections because of the Bills or Sabres? This board included. I know he had a ball. Several time he had a huge smile on his face even though he couldn’t keep his eyes open. Whether they won or lost did not matter. Last night for me was everything sports should be and I can’t think of a better memory to be left with of him. ... still glad we got to see a win though. Gonna miss those Sunday night phone calls.
  11. I love the expected goals stat. It’s really cool. But like every other stat, it’s incomplete. It does not account for quality of goalie or quality of shooter. It’s not puck luck. Jack’s just really good so he’ll always be on the top side of the mean.
  12. I keep my magic in my heart.
  13. If true, it’s weird.
  14. My reaction as well. I forgot about U2 Joshua Tree. Great concert with Bono in a cast. Also, the cement cube prison cel that was called the Beer Garden.
  15. That really is incredible! Not sure if it’s Exit Stage Left or All The World’s a Stage, but I think one or both of those of those album covers were shot there. I honestly don’t have many Sabres memories, as my family didn’t have enough money to go to games growing up. Plus, we lived all the way up in NT. That was kinda far back then. I do have a memory of watching a 3-0 Sabres’ win when I was pretending to work for the TV crew shortly after college. My memories are more of the concert variety. Moving Pictures, Signals, Grace Under Pressure tours. Supertramp. Also, parading around with my soccer team at a Stallions halftime.
  16. It's the bonus point.
  17. That’s the one. I knew it was the Pats.
  18. Wasn’t there a story about the Bills not letting a film crew watch their pregame earlier this year? I guess they were justified.
  19. That just sounds like a page with a lot of tweets posted in it. It has to load them each time. It's really annoying.
  20. They don't even lie about cheating anymore.?
  21. OT is awesome. Great ending to the Cal/Col game. Makes me feel better about the Sabres. Our loos to the Flames stung me. They're pretty good.
  22. This Calgary/Colorado game has been great. 4-4 in the third.
  23. I believe the term is dittohead. And it's been a thing for 30 years. Most likely longer.
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