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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. The “#1” is a bit much and unnecessary, … cuz he’s not.
  2. I don’t think they make any kind of noise after they make it in, but I think they get in. Baby steps.
  3. I'm guessing that the producers of that movie never thought it was going to have the staying power that it has had.
  4. I agree.
  5. I'm pretty sure that I signed the petition.
  6. So you are agreeing with Promo about the Sabres, then.
  7. What about Joe Mama?
  8. So you’re just being a dick. Thats as good a reason as any to do it. 😂 Not sure I’m going to catch this one tonight. Going snowboarding, and then I have to get up early to get my head cut open again. At least I’m getting out of having to cover this stupid ***** election. I’m hoping the drugs wear off around the 8th.
  9. I think he just learned that the third number is a loss.
  10. I genuinely don’t care about what place they are in at this time of the year. I just want to be entertained. So far so good.
  11. Time for Cozens to get the monkey off his back.
  12. K It may seem like that to you, but it’s not true no matter how much you want to believe it.
  13. SwampD

    Owen Power

    Actually, last year there was a stat for defensemen that he was the best at. Can’t remember what it was. So he’s at least close. I think he’s going to be special. Even if his head does look like Gumby.
  14. SwampD

    Owen Power

    Right now, Power might actually be generating more offense than our 2C.
  15. It was a joke in reference to a thread that has since been deleted. I promise, it was funny.
  16. How does it feel to be completely wrong about Eric Comrie?
  17. Thankfully, it’s the one finger I don’t need.
  18. Absolutely! That shift time thing is great.
  19. I really hope the Sabres keep up this level of play. I really want them to be good. Watching good hockey is just so much more fun than watching bad hockey. Plus, I really need this I’m a better fan than you BS to stop. 😂
  20. We can’t either. 😂 At this point in the season, just enjoy the hockey. He’s still a puppy. I actually see too much confidence and he is trying to do too much. Right now, he reminds me of Tage before he moved to center when was trying to stick handle through three guys instead of just making the smart play.
  21. I thought Benson was nursing an injury.
  22. There are stores for food.
  23. It doesn't really matter anyway. There is only one stat that matters, and the Sabres have have been substandard at that for a long f'n time.
  24. There is just no reason to ever try and clean a pike, I mean, unless you are minutes away from death by starvation. 😂
  25. FTFY. Just make your point. No need to tell someone else what they do or do not know. It's obnoxious.
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