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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Glad you pointed it out.
  2. Oh, thank god.
  3. What part of “the other stuff will come with age/experience” is confusing? I specifically pointed out how special he is with the puck. We agree, but for some reason you want to argue.
  4. So you agree with me, then?
  5. Only, that’s what probably half the teams in the league think they need. If not every team.
  6. Non-physicality aside (it’s just not his game), Power was great last night. When he is moving the puck out of the D zone (either through skating or passing) he is something to watch. The other stuff will come with age/experience.
  7. I don’t even know what to make about the goal being called back, other than the NHL never misses a chance to crap its pants. Just a ridiculous call. And I love that that they show the room where the decision is made, like we’re supposed to just bow down to wisdom of some jackass in TO like it’s some all knowing entity that has all the rules at its fingertips and is complete unbiased. Not sure that benson going in on his own has any bearing whatsoever on the ruling. Glad they found a way to overcome that. Still waiting for the day when the Sabres are on the receiving end of benefit of the doubt. Just keep winning.
  8. Wow! That is very interesting. I’m serious. I think I know what I’m getting my mom for christmas now. She spends way too much on her television viewing.
  9. Mine, too. At 30 bucks, best deal going. When my wife goes to bed, I use the iPhone app with my BT headphones. It’s awesome.
  10. That’s why I love Roku. When you search in Roku, it tells you all the different services where it is available. Oh right, complaint,… my Roku f’d off. Gotta get a new one. Time for the speech remote.
  11. That is correct. We’re out of market. We have to have that to see the games anyway, so nothing changes for us. Those in market folk have to do a little dance to see it.
  12. If Cozens had said, "It was one of those games where we threw everything at them and it just didn't work,…" I would have had no problem with the last game. They ran in to a desperate team that, with 6 previous losses, had to win. But he didn't say that. He showed his hand that the Sabres are still spoiled prima-donnas who don't know what it takes to win consistently. They need to wake TF up and start playing way more focused, every game. No lazy plays. No limp backhand passes to no one. Just ***** play hard. Would love Levi to steal one. LFG!!! Again, not sure of the other TV.
  13. I think you guys are wrong. He did miss two games after that punch.
  14. If you’ve ever logged in on an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings, search Keychain, tap Passwords, scroll down and tap Sabrespace, tap the dots of your password and the letters will appear.
  15. North Korea, China, Russia,… Does anyone really not think that Trump was learning how to be a dictator on his world tour? Greatest threat to the Constitution since post WW2 McCarthyism and maybe since the Civil War.
  16. To make them look bad, because he knows he has a friend in Trump. Have we forgotten why Trump was impeached?
  17. I wonder what would be "big"?
  18. Plus,… Claude Balls,… … that’s just funny.
  19. For the past 13 years, the Sabres have struggled the day before, during and after every Bills game. They have done the same once those football seasons ended as well.
  20. Gotta like 5-0 Stars over 'Guins in the first. EDIT make that 6
  21. I agree with Ewww
  22. The point isn't that it happened. It's that it happened again! We've heard this before! How many more times are they going to have to be humbled for it to sink in that they have to be working, always, if they want to be as great as they already think they are?
  23. I’m sure that ink would wipe right off.
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