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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Um, this is a report of him watching the Sabres. What are you not getting? And I know you are just trolling anyway, but your lack of punctuation is annoying. I shouldn't have to try this hard to realize I don't care about your post.😂
  2. Maybe he was this good last year but just got Kruegered. Honestly, It's hard to make any comparisons at all to last year because the hockey was just so dreadfully awful compared to this year. Thinking about last year makes me want to Ralph.
  3. I would be shocked if they didn't support it.
  4. I hate quoting myself, but just wanted to add,… as F1, I think Tuch gives the puck away just as often as Tage did last year, but because it's Tuch, only LGR and myself find it frustrating.😂 Where Tuch has Tage and Skinner to support him, Tage had,… I actually don't remember (most likely because they weren't worth remembering.)
  5. I honestly think it was the move to center. To me, it looks like he is doing the same exact stuff he has always done, but last year it was at wing. He would often be F1, with no support in the offensive zone. Now, because of his added defensive responsibilities, he's usually F2 or F3 and has the puck support in the O zone.
  6. The Niagara trip is in my friend's boat. Not sure I would do the kayaks even in summertime down there (I probably would.)
  7. I thought they already used it with Dell.
  8. And I got my brain hole diploma! Gotta figure out a way to wear that mask on stage. 😂🤘
  9. Amen. Got the kayaks all ready to go and have my Mother's-Day-Lower-Niagara-for-lakers trip all planned.
  10. Finished my last treatment yesterday. I feel amazing. Other than some really long naps, I've had no side effects. Woke up with nothing to do and nowhere to go. It's going to be a great f'n summer.
  11. I know about ten people who have had this. They all thought it was covid. It wasn't but it still kicked their ass for a long time. My guitar player has it right now. Good luck and feel better.
  12. Meh. To all of it. Hopefully next year, we'll get 24 pages out of our GDTs.
  13. Vegas is almost unwatchable whether Jack is on the ice or not. I will not miss them from the playoffs.
  14. Wow.
  15. So, was it actually on the jumbo during or after the game?
  16. That’s exactly what I was getting at. Your words were better.
  17. Stanley Cup, here we come. Oh, and ***** Dallas.
  18. I don't get it. If I'm watching other teams, it's going to be the good ones. I never choose to watch Dallas or Vegas.
  19. I gotta say, it's weird to see worse hockey than when the Sabres play,… but there it is.
  20. I'd rather it be silent.
  21. Vegas plays some bad hockey. As soon as he gets the puck, the rest of team just stops skating. And no puck support Really makes me appreciate Granato.
  22. Finally got a chance to watch. Not much you could have done with that. Maybe eq it a little to lessen it. A wind screen wouldn't have stopped that whistle. He was talking oddly all game. I don't think I've ever heard him have that kinda whistle. My guess is he was sober cuz his boys were in the booth with him. 😂
  23. Went ham. Sure.
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