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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. A friend of mine was working on this dance tune. He asked me to write a bass part for it. Not exactly my wheelhouse but it was fun,… and he asked me to do another.🤟🏻👍🏻😀
  2. And people wonder why there is a hole in the ozone.
  3. The players I can understand, but who cares about the cost? Aren’t we going to be struggling to get to the floor the next two years, anyway?
  4. I think it sunk in on the sixth time that Todd Simon was 50 years ago.
  5. Not sure what you read either. Nothing I wrote put words in your mouth. I don’t care about the next 10-15 years if we continually sacrifice the current 2 to make sure they are good. And if you don’t Like Nylander, just say you don’t like Nylander, but if a guy with 2 years on his contract makes us better, do it. Luckily, it’s not my job to know if it will be a good fit. I’m just sick of being fed excuses on why we have to wait for our team to be good. Isn’t eleven years long enough?
  6. I don’t think they ran outta gas. I think they just lost. Great games, though. Hockey is a brutal sport.
  7. I don’t really care. The particulars don’t matter. My point was that I genuinely don’t care about 10-15 years from now. Just get good now. There is no way to know the answer to that. Does he fit in and the Sabres are really good? Does he re-sign after two years because he loves it here and sees where the Sabres are going? Does Forsberg push them over the top? I don’t know. I’m so ***** tired of my team sacrificing the present for the promise of the future. It’s bullsh!t and for some reason this fanbase has completely bought into it. This trade deadline was the first one where we didn’t get worse in over a decade. That is disgusting and I can’t believe I have wasted the amount of time I have on this garbage. Luckily they have gotten none of my money.
  8. I think Col/St Louis goes seven. I hope so, anyway.
  9. It looked like a kick to me. He should have just let it go. It looked like it was going in anyway.
  10. Sure, but if he did, I’d be fine with it. I think we need scoring forwards more than we need veteran D. I was commenting more on the being really good for 10-15 years (as if that’s a given) over getting better for the next 2. Those things are not mutually exclusive and never have been. We heard it when Kovalchuk was available, and I thought it was stupid then. How’d that future work out for us?… almost ten years later, jfc.
  11. He certainly wouldn’t hurt, but I guess there is just no place on the Sabres for a 30+ goal 80 point forward. This whole “mortgaging the future” thing just has to go away.
  12. Boy, talk about putting the cart before the horse. I’m looking for them to just not suck for 1 year.
  13. Playoff coke must be really good. I'm merely basing that on the amount of mouthguard chewing there has been lately.
  14. Just like with solar panels, though, you have to start somewhere. Only recently have they become a net positive (the power they make vs the power it took to make them.) And they ain't making' any more oil. I chose to just move close to work. My 13 MPG F150 doesn't give AF what the cost of gas is, since I only fill it up once every 2 months. In fact, as I've said before, I love higher gas prices cuz it means there are less jackasses on the roads.
  15. Serves you right. Now I’m laughing at you.
  16. I agree. Leagues have to take advantage of every revenue stream, and they get too many tax dollars for them to not do this.
  17. Not trying to be a dick (well, maybe I am, wait, no, in this case I’m actually not trying to be a dick), but has this actually ever happened?
  18. What’s funny is that we both likely have guns that we will have to forfeit. I’m fine with it.
  19. Again, who have i pointed fingers at? Certainly not you. You have no control over who gets guns or not. I’ll ask this question, is there a difference between actual criminals who can get guns if they are made illegal, and cracked people who want to get them to commit mass murders? My impression is that you think there is not.
  20. I do know you. I’ve met hundreds of you.
  21. Whatever. I guess it was that teacher’s own fault that she wasn’t carrying her own handgun to protect herself. And please stop pretending that you want a solution, multipronged or not.
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