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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Why are you making us do math?
  2. Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a bunch of Proud Boys were going to a Pride march?
  3. Am I supposed to be excited about acquiring a player (for the second year in a row) who will never see the ice, just to get to the cap floor? I’ve been told over and over that the Sabres have turned some kind of corner (as is proven by our late season record.) if that’s the case, then why aren’t we spending (even overspending) on actual players that actually skate,… on the ice, during games, that would help them get even better and maybe even get to the playoffs. I mean, unless they are trying to make sure that no one can ever beat their playoffless streak record.
  4. Because ***** Tampa. In the past few seasons, they have benefitted from so many bs calls and non-calls that they can go cry to mama. We saw them injure two of our players in one season. No penalty either time (thankfully, one of them was subsequently suspended.) If too many men is a reviewable play, then yes, they got it wrong and I love to see that they finally got screwed,… but I don’t think it’s reviewable play and the refs just missed it and I’m glad to see them get screwed.
  5. Vegas thanks you for your donation.
  6. I haven’t really been paying much attention to the Sabres’ moves, but WTF?! This is another Boychuk move. Ben Bishop is never going to play again. Correct? If this is another “No!… really,… we’re not tanking this year” year, then they can ***** right off. I dream of the day when, as Shoresy would say, we hate to lose.
  7. I don’t know what the ***** stand for, but it certainly is kooky.
  8. I agree with all of this. The cap help that Marvin mentioned is also an asset that has to be figured in. A pretty valuable one at that.
  9. What “major pieces” do the Sabres even have?! What would we be giving up that would be better than Patrick Kane in the next three years. Always trade potential talent for actual talent.
  10. I disagree.
  11. Wait,… so we’re not trying to win next season yet, either!? JFC! When are we ever going to try and actually win and not care more about the next season after next season?
  12. I'm old enough to remember when the anthem was not a part of the broadcast. It was better.
  13. I’d give’m #16 and Portillo, and I think Chicago still might not do it. That would never happen, though. Chicago would never let him leave without getting something. Seeing the term “mortgage” makes me want to kick a puppy. PK will be a better player for the next three years than any piece we would be sending in their direction to make it happen. And Tom is right- I could not care any less that he is from Buffalo. I want him because he’s really good. I’ll let DG and KA decide if it’s a fit or not.
  14. What’s not to believe? Who is ahead of her? Pretty sure PA has Neil Diamond as his #1. Bruce? I’m not a fan of either. Neil Young? Who? Because tastes vary, i’ll give you that she may not be #1 to everyone, but if there is a list of the top 5 singer/songwriters of the 70s, she’s absolutely on it, and the only woman (the first woman to ever to appear in such a list,) and certainly not 👀 worthy.
  15. I don’t know what this means.
  16. Joni Mitchell 1st?
  17. Wow. We just called it funny fumble.
  18. Watched Shoresy. Loved it. Then watched all of Letterkenny. Loved it. Then watched Shoresy a second time. Still loved it. What can I say? I’ve got a lot of free time right now. When I wasn’t watching that, the wife and I enjoyed The Great.
  19. Late to this party. I thought his number already was retired. 😂 He only didn’t wear it out of respect for Dom. (I don’t remember if Rip had a hand in that or not.)
  20. Doesn’t matter if it’s stupid or not. It’s what they are called.
  21. Wish that logic was used for the last round.
  22. I know some people that have never gotten the beat down they deserved (either physically or socially.) They are some of the biggest a$$holes I know and I can’t get away from them quick enough.
  23. I’m guessing they were videoing him for a reason.
  24. They already got him.
  25. Um. I agree and didn’t make excuses. That guy should go to jail and be banned from MSG for life.
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