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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. https://www.theonion.com/first-mate-s-solution-to-everything-battening-down-the-1849491721
  2. When does his contract run out with Buff? The day the Sabres are no longer paying for another team’s retired player, is the day I will believe they are actually trying to win.
  3. Three episodes in. I like it. I wasn’t sure I was going to dig the while close to reality flu pandemic thing, but it’s done really well. I didn’t read the book, so I have no idea of where this is going.
  4. This is just weird. It's game 2 and they look great. Just enjoy it for god's sake.
  5. My pick is Vrabel. And its not close.😂
  6. Why didn’t the center snap the ball. that penalty was a result of bad centering.
  7. I can’t believe the lighting is not programmed and that he is doing it live. The show just got mor incredible to me.
  8. Saw Meshuggah last night. Holy *****! They are just different, and definitely better, live. It may have been the most immersive show I have ever been to. It’s pretty amazing, in this day and age, for there to be no screens. It was all lights and backdrops. No moving images except the band (and they barely move.) Absolutely wonderful. I cannot recommend seeing them enough.
  9. The guy whose pocket he picked is going to have nightmares about that for quite some time.
  10. You do you Buffa. They weren’t even bottom 5 last year. Do you think they got worse from last year? I’m not saying the under would be wrong, just not bottom 5.
  11. I just looked at my Yahoo page and see that the SabreSpace Hard Luck League is up and running. Did we know this and I just missed it?
  12. One year ago today, my band debuted this song.
  13. Wouldn’t it be somethin’, though?
  14. I think he scores 20+ this year.
  15. Awesome! Thats just what im looking for.
  16. So, I bought 225 caps to get the one i needed. Replaced this one. Now my wife has new speakers in her studio.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻 So, next question (and try to reply in the Q+A group to not clutter this thread and get me in trouble.)
  17. Sorry, it's my wife of 27 years. And maybe my bass.
  18. I like you. I'm just not sure if Josh is actually a unicorn (well, I know he's not, because Josh actually exists.) I don't even know If he is an outlier, either, or if there were just others you would have picked before him because they were safer choices (cuz those always work out.) From your definition - "An outlier is an observation that lies an abnormal distance from other values in a random sample from a population." Were his stats abnormally bad or just on the wrong side of the mean? And I do like you.
  19. Sure, go with that. I know what outlier means. Your post just reeked a little of, "I wasn't wrong, no, really, I wasn't. Josh is just a unicorn." I'm guessing Jalen Ramsey only looks at stats as well.😀
  20. I love posts like this. The Statterati© will say anything to justify their faith in the numbers. It's what drives me crazy about them. Stats tell us exactly how often they are wrong, and when someone like Josh falls on the other side of their assuredness percentage, they have to use words like outlier and unicorn. It is kinda comforting, though, to know that we still can't be 100% positive when actual humans are involved. I also never thought Josh was as inaccurate as many here were grousing about his first couple of years. I just think his receivers are making more plays now (still waiting to see one of them win a 50/50 ball against a DB.) But I will admit that the pass to Gabe Davis down the middle would have been a touchdown if it was a better thrown ball.
  21. But how do we compare to other boards? Thats the real question. From what I’ve seen, sports message boards in general are just awful.
  22. Everyone I knew liked it. How can anyone look at the that for twenty years and not see the bison?! I just don’t get it. Yeah, I’ve never really been able to see that, either. I think the entire Jersey as a Buffalo head is kinda cool, though.
  23. Figured I would put this here. If these are the summers we can expect from now on, i feel like i have to do my part and just can’t justify a lawn anymore. Does anyone have experience with a clover lawn? Seriously thinking of changing my yard over.
  24. That’s a bummer. Too many big rains that wash fertilizer into them, as well. The medicine I’m on makes me feel like 🤢 all the time. And tired. I haven’t worked since February. I go back next Wednesday. I really don’t want to,… ever. Gonna have to pack a lot of summer in this weekend. And like I’ve stated upthread, this summer can suck it. Too GD hot!
  25. I wonder if its an actual con or just a perceived con in the D zone. In other words how often is there an actual break down in the play because of off handedness, and how much is it different from on handedness. I bet its not as different as one might think, if at all. Good hockey talk, btw. I miss it.
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