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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Am I the only one who has no problem with what Miami did? Buffalo fans are the last people that should gripe about a weather related home field advantage. In the end, this game will have zero relevance to how far they go into the playoffs.
  2. My friends in Cape Breton made it through okay.đŸ€ŸđŸ»
  3. I liked Eakin. I’ve heard that Eichel’s nickname around the league is Jack&Coke.
  4. How nice is it that in all these analyses, we don’t have to here about Jack&Coke anymore. It’s kinda nice.
  5. He doesn’t care.
  6. This.
  7. I didn’t see the game, but of all the things I’ve heard about it, the most concerning thing is that, McD on a 3rd and a mile, once again, plays it conservative and only rushes 3 (has that ever worked for him?)
  8. This is just not true. Humidity matters and a heat index above 100 is not normal to play in.
  9. Doesn’t mean it didn’t snow in those games.
  10. So, I know Station Eleven won’t be for everyone, but I loved it.
  11. I can’t believe the number of cars now on the roads. Was it this bad pre pan?
  12. The phrase should probably be “keeping their powder dry”, but this is hockey and this is the Sabres. Gonna be a while before the stink of the tank gets completely washed off.
  13. https://www.theonion.com/first-mate-s-solution-to-everything-battening-down-the-1849491721
  14. When does his contract run out with Buff? The day the Sabres are no longer paying for another team’s retired player, is the day I will believe they are actually trying to win.
  15. Three episodes in. I like it. I wasn’t sure I was going to dig the while close to reality flu pandemic thing, but it’s done really well. I didn’t read the book, so I have no idea of where this is going.
  16. This is just weird. It's game 2 and they look great. Just enjoy it for god's sake.
  17. My pick is Vrabel. And its not close.😂
  18. Why didn’t the center snap the ball. that penalty was a result of bad centering.
  19. I can’t believe the lighting is not programmed and that he is doing it live. The show just got mor incredible to me.
  20. Saw Meshuggah last night. Holy *****! They are just different, and definitely better, live. It may have been the most immersive show I have ever been to. It’s pretty amazing, in this day and age, for there to be no screens. It was all lights and backdrops. No moving images except the band (and they barely move.) Absolutely wonderful. I cannot recommend seeing them enough.
  21. The guy whose pocket he picked is going to have nightmares about that for quite some time.
  22. You do you Buffa. They weren’t even bottom 5 last year. Do you think they got worse from last year? I’m not saying the under would be wrong, just not bottom 5.
  23. I just looked at my Yahoo page and see that the SabreSpace Hard Luck League is up and running. Did we know this and I just missed it?
  24. One year ago today, my band debuted this song.
  25. Wouldn’t it be somethin’, though?
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