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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Paging @LabattBlue… @LabattBlue to the white curtesy phone, please…
  2. I don't know it. I just logged in to Yahoo and it went right to my team. Sorry.
  3. Are you logged in to Yahoo?
  4. Man, I feel for these guys. Chasing a dream and not giving up.
  5. https://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey/23457?pspid=782202656&activity=league
  6. 😂
  7. It should be just like last year. Here’s my deal, if it helps. I just re-upped my Disney+, Hulu, ESPN+ deal for $13.99/month, and I have SlingTv. I’m in North Jersey, so I’ll get all home games if they are not national games through ESPN+. I’ll get national games through HULU+ or TNT (which i get through SlingTV). Any game (home or away) against the Devils, Rangers, or Islanders, is blacked out for me, so I have to go to my buddy’s house to watch. He has Verizon and gets all the local sports channels. I’m fine with this arrangement. It’s plenty of hockey. If I miss a game or two due to inconvenience, oh well.
  8. If you were in last year, just sign in to Yahoo and you should be in already.
  9. Dammit! I keep doing that math wrong. Either way, I really hope we see that hockey when it matters.
  10. No player will ever get into the league on analytics alone.
  11. Not sure what game you are watching. Maybe this is more true in the regular season, but watch the road the Avalanche took to winning their SC last year. They played some brutally physical series and it was certainly no “skills contest.”
  12. Everyone keeps mentioning their 100+ point pace to end the season, but if you go back only six games from that arbitrary 28 game mark (not arbitrary because it was a win), their record was 16-15-3, and a sub 80s pace. Even if you don’t go back all six losses (and probably closer to what we’ll see this year) their pace was closer to the mid 80s. Like you,I need to see it in October and November, not once their season is over, in order to believe it.
  13. I will offer my team up if someone new wants in. If nobody steps up, i will do it in order to keep 12 teams.
  14. I am optimistic and for the very reasons you mentioned, especially the bolded. FTR, I'm in the one third that said yes.
  15. Yep. Math is hard. Especially while trying to do other things, like actually working for the first time since February.😂 So, do you think they will make the playoffs this coming season? I do,.. I think, just not sure why, though.
  16. Sorry, this made me giggle. I would hope so.😂 If you extrpolate their post health, end of the year "run", it still only puts them around mid-80s points and out of the playoffs. I just don't get the optimism. I'm just looking forward to watching better hockey for the entire year. If they somehow top the benchmark set by Disco Dan all those years ago, I guess that'll be a win.
  17. This is pretty myopic thinking. Every team has the new things they are hopeful for. The problem for the Sabres, and ultimately the fans, is that a lot of those teams are already good. We need our new hopefuls to not only come through for us, but also be much better than other team’s hopefuls in order for us to leap frog them. But I’ve been told it’s different this time. How long do I have to wait?… two more years? It’s always two more years.
  18. But it is a game that championship teams win: played like garbage, a two column injury list, Gabe Davis with a bad pin, and they still found a way to win.
  19. Our receivers suck. Period.
  20. I don’t get the Athletic and I don’t care. You can’t rank something that is subjective. I mean, you can, but it has no relevance to me.
  21. I’ve already listed a bunch of broadcasts. And it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s subjective. I like him, you don’t. That’s fine.
  22. Just,… no. Do you ever listen to other broadcasts? I watch a game a night, most nights, 2. Some days even three. Dan, and even Razor, are nowhere bottom tier.
  23. Careful what you wish for. Hurricanes aren’t blizzards. You can’t just walk down the gas station to get another 30 pack. They are long and they suck.
  24. Absolutely. Everyone is convinced the “hit” in Miami was a concussion, but couldn’t his response to that also be attributed to heat stroke and dehydration?
  25. I’ll often listen to the French broadcast of Canadian games. Shows you you how much a pbp guy even matters if you are watching.
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