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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. No! No no no no NO!!! Keep Josh as far away as possible from the losing filth of the Sabres.
  2. I still want them to win.
  3. Gotta start somewhere. Would you rather lose tonight?
  4. Right now, I would absolutely do a one for one swap of each and we would be better. But it’s a blush!t straw man because we have no idea what other moves would have been different and how the team would look. I can’t say with any certainty that the Sabres would be any better or worse had they both not been traded. And you can’t either.
  5. I’m hoping tonight!
  6. There is a HUGE difference between selling at the trade deadline to improve draft position (Matthew’s) and going on a multi year campaign of intentionally trying to lose. Lemieux was 40 years ago. Your list shows that success through tanking does not have a very high hit rate. IMO, it is and was a stupid plan and we are still paying for it, IMO.
  7. And I misspoke before, the Oilers didn’t tank, they were just really really bad for a long time. They didn’t sell off all of their players for picks in order to be bad like the Sabres. And there is no way of being sure that we would be better with them, especially because we weren’t. Playing the hypothetical game is a waste of time. We should have never tanked, period. It was a stupid plan, imo.
  8. Nice straw man, but if I have to answer a dumb question, I’ll say, I don’t know,… maybe? The Oilers were terrible for a very long time before their tank actually worked.
  9. I really struggle with people’s ability to think that separating them should mean anything of importance. Whether successfully or not, it should never have happened. It was completely unnecessary. I couldn’t care less (..!.. @Doohicksie) if you think I am dumb or crazy. I believe we are still trying to dig out of the hole left by the tank. At the very least, the team is dealing with the scars it left.
  10. 1) For sticking with Adams and this plan. 2) That the solution is in the room. I would love nothing more than the Sabres to just start winning,… go on a ten game win streak. I want to believe that they only care about winning from this point forward. I have my doubts.
  11. When the Sabres beat the Habs, I will give Pegula full credit. I would love him to be right.
  12. JFC! Just stop. The tank did not work. And as far as a boycott, I will take absolutely no responsibility whatsoever for this garbage ***** team. I'll watch when I want to. I'll not watch when I don't. They certainly won't get any of my money and haven't for over a decade. Not until they prove to me that winning is the goal. I don't believe it is.
  13. Like I said in the random thread, I have yet to see any video of a “drone” that I couldn’t say was a plane. If someone has one, I’d love to see it.
  14. I went snowboarding and missed both games. How’d we do?
  15. By scheduling Sabres games when nobody would notice. 😂
  16. O-fer since Tage's return. Just sayin"
  17. Whelp, the gummy kicked in, the tunes are playing, win or lose, I win. Gonna go pour a Chivias and not look back.
  18. Asked. And answered. It's the players. And yes, I know it's lame to quote yourself.
  19. There is no coach anywhere that would be able to fix that. These players really make it tough to watch sometimes.
  20. Someone else may have gotten a crosschecking call,… I think.
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