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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. If there is no base, don’t they have to groom it first? I remember a buddy of mine during Monday night ski club went on to one of the closed trails during one of the lake effect events. He got really messed up when he wiped out and went right through all the powder and landed on the frozen ground. He basically landed on nasty concrete.
  2. I’m getting blood out of me just by blowing my nose. Stupid Covid.
  3. Just a point of clarification, it is wind that makes a blizzard a blizzard and not snow. The blizzard of ‘77 brought no new snow with it. It was all snow blown off of the frozen lake. This is just a snowstorm.
  4. But what did STHs already pay for the ticket they couldn’t use in OP?
  5. Yes. Sorry. You are absolutely correct. My coffee hasn’t kicked in yet.
  6. No. Way earlier. Say, 2013. Imagine if we just rebuilt and never Tanked. What a concept?!
  7. I would have preferred to start it a couple of years earlier.
  8. So far, seven. 😂
  9. I honestly don't.
  10. I f'n love it. I'm so jealous. Seriously. I got yelled at the last time this happened for saying that, but I don't care.
  11. You have to give to get. What do we have to give?
  12. I'm 53, as well.
  13. I agree, but this is what you get from young Sabres fans that only know a Tank style rebuild.
  14. Another shut out for Devon. Awesome.
  15. My stomach is still a little f'd up, so it's ginger beer, seltzer, and whiskey. (not enough of the last, if you ask me.)
  16. I genuinely don’t care about anyone who gets stuck in this. There are other ways to get anywhere you have to get to. If you are heading into the heart of it, anyone you are meeting will understand if you say,”I’ll see you on Sunday.”
  17. I’m watchin.
  18. Half the game.
  19. I think the bigger story is that there actually is a valid use for Twitter. It’s kinda great today.
  20. Man, is that cool.
  21. WTF was Dahlin thinking on that play?
  22. Wait. So now we live in a hockey world where 20 points in the standings is better than 26?
  23. I had to push my 6th and final chemo cycle back a week because I was sick (cough, snot, sore throat). Took my first set of pills Tuesday night. Awesome, let’s get this over with. I woke up Wednesday feeling better than I have in a while, get tested at work for Covid, and yep. Got sent home. My Doc says I now have to postpone my chemo even longer until I am over Covid. *****!!!! I just want to be done with this crap. I guess a nice five day Co-vacation isn’t so bad.
  24. Not sure how many times this needs to be said. The salaries of the players on the ice does not even reach the salary floor. Are you telling me that if Pegula spent even half of what he could (10MM) on actual NHL players that we wouldn’t be, at least, a playoff cusp team? I’m not saying spend to the the cap, but, FU Terry, this is bullsh!t.
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