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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. This is tiresome. How about you wait until the third Tuesday of every month and then post a “Hey, look how smart Buffalonil is!!!” update post?
  2. Link or it didn’t happen.
  3. I was just making a joke. I’m not a finance guy either.
  4. Antidoltal? I know you mean anecdotal, but we sure could use an antidote to this bullshizz. Anyway, at this point, though, wouldn’t money spent now be more in the line of venture capital? This team is nothing. They need to create an entire generation of fans that they have lost.
  5. If this was posted already, sorry. Not sure how I missed it. Absolutely fantastic.
  6. I really want to take the train to Le Massif someday. Looks amazing. Both the train and the mountain.
  7. The developments in snowboards have transferred over to skis. They are in a different universe now. Still trying to convince my wife of that. She is 4’11” and was wondering why she never felt in control when using her sister’s skis that were 204s from the 90s. I’m 6’4” and only used 190s. She’s a decent skier, too. She could probably get away with using 140s now. Maybe shorter.
  8. I would also add that while spending to the cap may not guarantee success, not spending to the floor pretty much guarantees failure.
  9. Maybe the worst in the NFL.
  10. So, is everyone trying to convince me, or themselves? Cuz all I hear is platitudes. Nothing said so far differentiates this team from any other team in the NHL. This sucks.
  11. It would be one thing if the drop pass was 6 feet back and there was an element of the option play in football, but they are dropping it all the way back to the freakin face off dots. “Hey guys, here’s even more time to set up and defend against us.” So dumb.
  12. Are you sure? Because it is not what you said at all. Almost every point was that these players were playing this way by choice. I personally don’t want any player we have to ever accept that that are a bottom 6 player. They should always want to be better. Nobody is dogging it or ignoring their role, that’s ridiculous. They just aren’t that good. So, you think DG is a good coach and it will be different this time because we have him? I agree. He is one aspect of “this time” that I don’t worry about.
  13. Gottit. Sorry. It’s pretty much the same question we are all coming to terms with right now. It’s something we have been discussing for a while. I get the whole keeping your powder dry for when you think you can actually win. I said earlier in the GDT that we will find out this off-season if they actually do care about winning. Unfortunately, I think we have to wait until then to find out for certain.
  14. So, what’s the question? They have almost twenty million more in actual salaries of actual hockey players playing the game than the Sabres do and you are wondering why they are winning and we are not?
  15. Just sayin. Guess which is which.
  16. I really don'y like this post. There is just so much wrong that I will take it as a whole instead of breaking down each part. You put all the blame on the players themselves, as if their failings are somehow their own choice. I think that is crap. I have absolutely no doubt, that every single player, on any team, wants to be the absolute best they can be, and will do whatever they can to make the team better, and take any role they are told in order to win. Not one single player (especially on this team) would choose to not try out of spite. I find that ridiculous.
  17. I've had my suspicions for a while, now. We'll know for sure next offseason.
  18. That's just a great line. You get some internet points, or something, for that.
  19. That's rhetorical, right?
  20. On any other team that matters, those guys being out, would not.
  21. /thread
  22. I have heard over and over that it is different this time. They are doing it the right way, finally. I even believed it for a tick,… …and I still kinda do, but I need convincing. Everyone I see looks completely average (which is actually kind of a step up.) I know that they are REALLY young and if on an actual NHL franchise, most of them would still be in the AHL, but this is where we are. Why is it different this time? Who are the players that are going to push us into being an actual NHL team competing in the playoffs? What is it that you see in them that makes you think they are special? This sucks.
  23. On th eTO broadcast they said that just taking Anderson off makes them the youngest, even with Okoposo. That is a young f'n team. And we wonder why we're losing.
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