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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. It's not coaching. It's roster,... and youth. See oilers video below. I disagree, as well. https://www.google.com/search?q=wayne+gretzky+losing+stanley+cup+finals&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS858US858&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZw-uJyfT7AhXKFFkFHcpuBmMQ_AUoA3oECAEQBQ&biw=1440&bih=927&dpr=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:d9996e0e,vid:kB3nC82xhLw You do realize that the Penguins also played the night before, right?
  2. No. That’s funny.
  3. That hit on Cozens by Letang (that's French for "the tang") was just beautiful, and why he is who he is. I've watched it more times than I care to admit and just don't see a penalty. It's those physical plays that kill us. I really wish that the team that I love and root for weren't such a bunch of f'n dandies.
  4. I watch the theatrical versions and I have no idea what is going on,… and I read the books,… several times.😂 They just leave too much out for my liking. I find the extended versions to have more of a similar pacing to the books. Definitely like them better.
  5. Are you talking about the extended editions? I always hated the new Lord of the Rings until these came out. They are great.
  6. This has nothing to do with coaching. It still has everything to do with the roster.
  7. The ref that passed it to him still gets free THo's doesn't he?
  8. He did not take a high stick. He may have been tripped but it was after he took a hard enough check where he was most likely going down anyway. F'n pussies. They can cry all they want, but until they start imposing their will, they will be just that, a bunch of f'n pussies.
  9. Absolutely fantastic!
  10. That's an insult to 98 lb weaklings.
  11. One goal. totally worth watching. Can we finally agree that they are not a good team yet? Cozens was owned by Letang (that's French for "the tang"). Not sure what he was complaining about.
  12. Cuz he's really good and the Sabres are a bunch of pussies.
  13. Yep. Just watched it again. He tripped him. That’s only one of two problems with my post. We didn’t tie it up on that power play, anyway. It was on the Malkin hook that we tied it. I still say that the refs had nothing to do with this loss.
  14. Crosby would get two games for that. Matthews did.
  15. Believe me, I hear you loud and clear way too often.😂
  16. Thank god I don't speak GIF. That Way I don't have to listen to you.
  17. And no Skinner tomorrow, I'm assuming. Jackass.
  18. I sure hope they use this as a learning tool. It's how veteran teams beat A team of puppies. This isn't the first time we have seen this against them. They better learn how to deal with it better.
  19. At least it was their choice, and not the Penguins.😂
  20. It was a good game. We got a point. I know we're chasing them, but it's still better than nothing.
  21. We tied it up on a non-trip on Crosby. The Sabres did it to themselves tonight.
  22. They got it right.
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