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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I wonder how may on here will get that reference. We're old.
  2. It's very apparent.
  3. Do you own or rent? Cuz it might not be you, either, šŸ˜‚ and I spend enough money in Buffalo and Erie county over the course of every year for it to be "we." My 82 year old mom was alone this Christmas because of the storm. In fact, she couldn't open the doors to her house for over two days. It's "we." I'm sorry you hate Jersey so much. I feel the same way about Jersey as I do Buffalo. They are both a lot nicer than their reputations (for the most part) and that impression is just fine cuz it keeps the jag-offs away.
  4. Those buddy heaters are cool,ā€¦ elitist.šŸ˜‚ And you can get an off brand generator now for less than my mom pays for a month of cable. When I think about it, though, I do know some people that should absolutely not own a generator. Do we really want to spend hundreds of thousands on sno-cats to save those people once every 50 years? Although, it's most likely going to become more frequent.
  5. How did your folks make out? Did your dad keep his soldered dustpan tool to clear the furnace i/o-take?
  6. Why so tense?
  7. Sure. The only house I could afford down here was in a flood zone. Without a genny, if I lost power, my basement would fill up with chest deep water. It wasnā€™t privilege. It was money I would rather have not spent but had no choice.
  8. I would just love to see Zamboniā€™s posts, if a month ago, mark poloncarz wanted to purchase a fleet of snowcats. That would be gold.
  9. Iā€™ve gone without power for two weeks. Several times since I=e lived here. I didnā€™t cry about the grid. I actually got a second generator. Made sure I had enough food. Sometimes sh!tā€™s f**cked up. There doesnā€™t always need to be someone to blame.
  10. I would love to hear the complaints of government waste had those been purchased. Cry about too much government. Then cry when they arenā€™t there to save you. Itā€™s ridiculous. Boo hoo. Why doesnā€™t everyone have their own snow mobiles? Then they donā€™t have to rely a being saved by government.
  11. Why?
  12. Maybe if everyone didnā€™t ā€œconsider the sourceā€ like you, they would have stayed at home and it would have been better. People that complain about a once in a lifetime event are just awful.
  13. Essential services?
  14. Soooo, will you believe him next time? šŸ˜‚
  15. Do you ever have a thought that doesnā€™t end up a new thread?
  16. Merry Christmas!!!!!!
  17. Ya know, if Clarence had lead with the hot librarian, instead of keeping it ā€™til last, we could have gotten that movie over with in 45 minutes. Merry Christmas, all!!!!
  18. That is somethin! Doesnā€™t look like it is slowing down, either.
  19. You were wrong.
  20. That wasnā€™t meant to be serious. Sorry. I was bored and curious about this this morning so I did the math. Without Tage, they would still be tied for third fourth, with a S% of 11.342%. Although, I canā€™t find a team S% list that goes to three decimal places. It might not be a tie. Still really good. (Never mind, just found it.) With Tage, they are 12.257%
  21. Lower,ā€¦ obviously,ā€¦ but,ā€¦ duh. Where would every other team be if you took away their best scorer?
  22. Iā€™m guessing that this wind is stronger.
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