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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Playoffs would have been a bonus this year. This is the team we knew we were getting.
  2. My kingdom for some play in the Dallas zone.
  3. Marty quoting the rulebook as if it matters. That's funny.
  4. The Sabres are better when they hit. Why aren't they hitting? *****in pussies.
  5. Nothing I focus on has any relevance to whether or not the Sabres win.
  6. (i) When the puck has been directed, batted or thrown into the net by an attacking player other than with a stick. When this occurs, if it is deemed to be done deliberately, then the decision shall be NO GOAL. A goal cannot be scored when the puck has been deliberately batted with any part of the attacking player’s body into the net. It was deliberate.
  7. I think it's weird, but not disgusting.
  8. I never said it was the reason they lost the game. I said that as per the rule, Toronto got the call wrong, because they did.
  9. This is just fantastic. Seriously.
  10. Loved the Tralf!
  11. It absolutely is the issue, and if you are going to tell people that they need eye exams, then I am going to tell you that you need to re-read and learn the rule. If he intentionally raised his leg to make contact with the puck and then it went into the net, it is no goal. Period. It doesn't matter if he didn't propel the puck into the net. A distinct kicking motion is irrelevant. You can only intentionally redirect a puck in with your stick. Sorry, you are just wrong on this.
  12. Are saying that he did not intentionally lift his leg in order for it to make contact with the puck?
  13. Terrence Michael Pegula (You’re welcome, PA)
  14. I agree. Just read the full rule. It’s right there. Should have been no goal.
  15. He didn’t direct the puck with his leg. I believe the rule uses the term propel. It deflected off his leg. Nothing here says that that wasn’t a goal. https://scoutingtherefs.com/2021/10/32220/nhl-rulebook-distinct-kicking-motion-37-4-49-2-78-5/
  16. How's your new house? Are you guys pregnant yet?
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